A Sneak Peek At What July Has In Store For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(March 21st to April 19th)

As an Aries, July will test your mental and emotional strength. Being in touch with your feelings will be vital this month. You will be challenged in several ways and your mental state may be put to the test. Stay strong. Don’t let this break you, Aries. You are stronger than you think you are. You have the ability to make July a great month, as long as you don’t let the negative outweigh the positive things that are about to happen. You’ve got this.


(April 20th to May 21st)

As a Taurus, the month of July will be an excellent month for you. You feel independent, strong, and ready to take on the world. You will feel inclined to put your needs over the needs of others, just be sure to be humble and mindful of those around you. This month brings a strong urge to express yourself in new ways. You will feel more in tune with your inner self, and more aware of your roots and who you really are. You may have changed, but deep down, you are still the old you at heart. Those inner changes can be manifested in a great way and serve as major changes in your life. Embrace change.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

July will be a month of self-confidence and enthusiasm. It is a good month to begin any new projects you’ve been putting off due to lack of motivation. You’ll be feeling strong and bold and eager to tackle new things. You will also feel sexually charged during this month, and you’ll be looking for a mate to share that feeling with. Towards the middle of the month, your desire for love and affection will increase tremendously, which may drive you towards the wrong types of people. Avoid settling for anyone in the moment just to satisfy that temporary need.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You may have left any thought of a relationship on the back burner over the last few months, Cancer. But this month, it’s time for you to change that. Maybe you’re into somebody new, or maybe you have yet to meet that someone, but they are coming your way. You might feel compelled to change your relationship status this month. Don’t fear what could happen, instead, let things happen and don’t resist. This month also lets you express yourself more fully and you will feel happier with yourself. You may stumble upon new exciting opportunities and experiences that could change your life, so take a risk even if it terrifies you. You never know what might come from it.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

For a Leo, July will be an emotional rollercoaster in both a positive and negative way. You are feeling extra bold and feisty during this time, making your emotions even stronger. You will experience the highest of highs and lowest of lows over the course of the month. The total lunar eclipse on July 27 will make you more sensitive than usual. Your emotional state may be tested and have you feeling defeated or weak. Leo, you are a strong individual. Being aware of your emotions and how you are feeling is a great thing. Channel this hot energy constructively rather than letting it tear you down.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

As a Virgo, the month of July will be far from boring. You may be called to help a loved one or close friend during their time of need. Someone needs your help, advice, guidance, and shoulder to cry on at this time. They are in need of your patience and wise words of wisdom. This will be a time of peace, harmony, romance and new ideas. You will also feel very attractive and charming during this time, so flaunt it, Virgo. You have the ability to turn heads and you don’t even realize it! It’s time for you to strut your stuff!


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

As a Libra, the month of July will put your skills and knowledge to the test. You will have to work extra hard this month to keep up with your peers. Your emotional stamina may feel a bit weak, and you are feeling somewhat defeated by it. Libra, you have the ability to prove yourself once you believe in yourself. People with some power or authority over you may test you and your ideas. You will feel forced to prove yourself and what you are envisioning. Realize that you never need to prove anything to anyone but your own self. Keep doing what you are doing, Libra. The rest will work itself out and the outcome will be greater than you ever imagined.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

As a Scorpio, the month of July presents several challenges and changes. You may feel the heat from mistakes you’ve made in the past, and things may be changing at a rate you’re not comfortable with. Things are up in the air, and unpredictable as ever. Take a moment to stop and reflect, Scorpio. You might have made mistakes that you aren’t proud of, but you’ve learned from those mistakes. You have grown and become a better person because of the mistakes you’ve made. And the sooner you let go of them, the sooner they will no longer haunt you. Let the past stay in the past and look towards a brighter future.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

As a Sagittarius, the month of July will be all about inner peace and finding your balance. You will feel relaxed, and at peace with yourself and people around you. This will bring the sense of liberation and clarity that you’ve been needing. It’s a great time to sit back and enjoy life. You will feel motivated to work on new projects from start to finish and share them with others. You feel highly efficient and productive during this time, so embrace that. Your positive attitude could help you get ahead in a major way.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

As a Capricorn, the month of July will be a very positive, happy time. You will feel intuitive and eager to break free. You want to fly with your own set of wings and experience different sides of life. You might feel a bit restricted to your daily routine, forcing the desire to rebel or change the status quo. This month will be filled with fun memories, new connections, and endless laughter. Air travel is also in the cards this month or the months up ahead. You want to travel while you can, and you’re busy making plans. You’re young, you’re healthy, so why not? Go for it, Capricorn! It’s time for you to live your life to the absolute fullest regardless of what anyone else says. It’s time to live life for you.


(January 21st to February 18th)

As an Aquarius, July will bring happy and sad moments for you. The start of the month brings excitement and change to your everyday routine and connections which can cause nervous tension at the same time. Your life is slowly but surely shifting and the transition is beginning to terrify you. You feel as if life is moving fast but you can’t seem to keep up with its speed. Relax. You aren’t falling behind, you are simply taking your time. Life isn’t always going to be smooth sailing, Aquarius. Sometimes you must go the extra mile in order to stay afloat.


(February 19th to March 20th)

The month of July will bring you a strong urge to try something new and exciting. You want to experiment with new things and change up the mundane routine you’ve had for so long. If single, you will want to meet new people and explore any new connections. If in a relationship, you will want to spice things up a bit and try something new with your partner to keep things interesting. The month of July will be a test of your patience, ability to make decisions, and show you how you treat others. Maybe change isn’t always a bad thing, Pisces. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Andrea Davis

Writer, photographer, adventurer.