Rose Goodman

Writer, Daydreamer, Coffee Addict
Articles by
Rose Goodman
(Almost) A Year Of You
We chase each other around the city, learning about each other and laughing, your hands on my thigh and my fingers in your hair, and we stand on the platform at Islington and you pull me into you, and the entire world goes silent.
I Would Have Done Anything For You To Be The Person You Promised You Were
I am still here, waiting on you.
Why Toxic Positivity Is Actually Just Unintentional Gaslighting
And it needs to stop.
The Problem With Being Someone’s Almost
Almost, almost but not quite or not yet, or maybe someday in the future, or maybe not at all.
Stay Single Until Love Feels Exactly Like This
Stay single until it feels easy, simple, like breathing.
7 Ways To Make Sure Instagram Isn’t Having A Negative Impact On Your Mental Health
We all need to be kinder to ourselves and know that the only validation that holds any real substance is the validation we give to ourselves.
I Am Not A ‘Just Talking’ Kind Of Girl
I deserve to feel special.
The Night We First Met
Even now, when my mind wanders, it ends up back on that night of our first date. If I allow myself, I think of the way you looked at me when your eyes first fixed on my face, almost as if you couldn’t quite believe I was real, and it made me feel alive.
10 Things To Remember When You’re Having A Bad Anxiety Day
Anxiety can be fleeting, but it can also hang around for a couple of days, depending on the cause and the methods used to try and ease it. But it never lasts forever.
An Open Letter To My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day
I will promise that I’ll remember this day forever, the day my person married the love of her life. Her McDreamy. I promise I’ll be smiling like a fool in all of your photos. I promise I’ll be by your side throughout it all.
20 Best Pieces Of Relationship Advice As Told By My Best Friends
Your expectations aren’t too high, he just can’t live up to them.
Sweet Girl, You Deserve To Feel Special
You deserve to feel like there’s always more he wants to know about you. Like no amount of time with you will ever be enough for him.
Break Up With Your Boyfriend, You’re Better Than Him
Break up with your boyfriend because you’re better than him and deep down he knows that.
Date Someone Who Doesn’t Confuse You
Date someone who doesn’t confuse you. Someone who doesn’t send you mixed messages.
Modern Dating Is Hell If You Have Anxiety
Maybe that’s all it was. Maybe I was silly for thinking it was more than that.
A Short List Of Things I Lost When I Wasn’t Paying Attention
I wasn’t paying attention to me or my needs or my happiness, I was just surviving on making him happy.
You Don’t Have To Apologize For Having Your Heart Broken By Micro-Cheating
You don’t have to apologize for needing someone to devote all of their sexual attention and intimacy towards you and only you.