Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
The 23 Most Amazing Feelings A Woman Can Experience
Getting the very last adorable sale item, which is both perfectly your size and completely unscathed by gross makeup stains from a billion girls trying it on before you.
21 Awesome Things That Are Way Better When You Do Them Alone
Working out, because you don’t need a bunch of randos around you to throw off your swag by judging the way you improperly use the stair machine. An empty gym is one of god’s little gifts to sweaty people who are trying to get into shape but aren’t so good at it yet.
This Cute Guy Singing With Total Strangers Stuck In Traffic Will Make Your Heart Melt
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23 Essential Role Models For Women In Their 20s
Allie in The Notebook, because that bitch was given the choice between a rich, doting James Marsden in a military uniform and sweatily hot Ryan Gosling who built her a house.
19 Surprisingly Hot Things Guys Do Without Realizing It
Saying your name unexpectedly at the end of a sentence, especially in that lower register where you can tell they’re being more serious than usual.
7 Beauty Expectations That Make It Way Too Expensive To Be A Woman
You can’t be wearing the kinds of Forever 21 jersey sacs that pill into oblivion within two hours of wearing them. You have to be flawless, and that costs money.
21 People On How Life Has Changed Since They Went From Ugly To Hot (Featuring Before And After Photos)
It got to the point I was afraid to leave the house. Men became so aggressively ‘friendly’ and I was constantly being approached.
23 Little Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Own Happiness
Ignoring the unconditional love that people who treat you well — whether a partner, family, or good friends — because you’re too caught up in getting the approval of people who ignore you.
Watch This Incredible Acapella Cover Of Lorde’s “Royals” That Might Even Be Better Than The Original
I’ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself.
27 Things White Girls Love More Than Starbucks
Going on service trips in college and making your profile picture you, smiling, surrounded by a bunch of half-naked children of various ethnicities.
27 Bizarre Things That All Women Have Done At Least Once
Sit in a strange position when farting, so the fart bubble does not go up the cooter.
11 Things That Only Huge Losers Do
If you take a phone call when you come up to the cash register — or god forbid, actually hold up the ‘one-minute’ finger to the cashier so you can finish what you’re saying while they try to keep the line moving — you are a huge asshole and I hope you get shortchanged every time you buy something.
Making Fun Of White Women Is Not A Feminist Issue, So Stop Making It Out To Be
In fact, we are granted a lot of fucking privileges for being white women — arguably, we even hold them where a white MAN would not.
I Am Not The Kind Of Girl You Fall In Love With
These are the kinds of women you fall in love with, they tell us. The ones who are complete and whole on their own, who do not need your individual affection because they know that they already have the world’s.
11 Signs Your “Friend” Is Toxic
You get really stressed out about what you’re going to wear around them.
27 People On Their Most Embarrassing Guilty Pleasure
I watch a lot of tortoise sex youtube clips. I think their grunting is hilarious. I also have illustrated it in series of watercolor paintings…
The 7 Most Embarrassingly Unsexy Things Men Do To Impress Women
We know you learned that shit in a book, because it is not the kind of behavior a human being would ever naturally engage in without explicit instruction.
8 Signs He’s The One Who Got Away
If you never fully let go, it’s almost like it’s never really over. Right?