Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
This Is What Being Positive REALLY Means, Because It’s Not About Ignoring Problems And Suppressing Feelings
It means knowing that life is not happening to you, it is mirroring you.
The Main Reason You Don’t Have The Things You Want Is Because You’re Villainizing The People That DO
If you want to change some part of your life, change the way you speak about other people who are already there.
This Is What It Actually Takes To Quiet Your Anxiety Because It’s Not Just Positive Thinking And A Few Yoga Classes
Your life will not fall apart when you stop worrying, it will come together. Life is not happening to you, it’s a reflection of you.
If You Really Want To Piss People Off, Tell Them That They Have The Power To Change Their Lives
This isn’t new. This isn’t novel. It’s just not the path of least resistance.
I Have Published Thousands Of Articles Over The Past Few Years, Here Are 30 Things I Can Tell You About Being A Writer
Most people do not want to be professional writers. They like the idea of being able to “do what they love,” and then when they have to write 5 articles a day on top of manuscripts and other projects, they suddenly don’t love it so much anymore.
This Is What It Actually Means To ‘Love Yourself First,’ Because It’s More Than Just Being Confident
It isn’t attraction that makes a relationship last. It isn’t common interests, a shared long-term vision, or even commitment.
25 Things You Need To Realize If You Feel Like You’re Not Living Up To Your Full Potential
If you are more afraid of your goals than you are inspired by them, you are not living up to your full potential.
18 Affirmations The World’s Most Successful People Use To Attract And Manifest Exactly What They Want
In the words of Drake: the power of the mind is not a joke.
Why The Most Connected Couples Are The Ones Who Aren’t Romantic All Of The Time
Romance is not what sustains a relationship, compatibility does. Best friendship does. Attraction does. The same long-term vision does.
25 ‘Unflattering’ Behaviors That Actually Mean You’re Cutting Through The Bullshit And Finally Changing Your Life
Realizing that chasing perfection was not chasing happiness.
10 Reasons Why Your Role Model Should Be Yourself In 10 Years
Nothing will motivate you like imagining the life you could have.
10 Reasons Why It’s So Difficult For An Empath To Get Into A Serious Relationship
The classic relationship issue that an empath will face is the one they have with a narcissist – people who have a deep desire to help others are magnets for people who want to just receive their light, and not give anything back.
The Psychological Reason Some Women Love Wearing All Black
Colors stimulate our brains in different ways, and the way we respond to certain colors can say a lot about who we are.
30 Things You Don’t Realize If You Feel You Aren’t As Far As You Should Be In Life
You can be anything ≠ you have to be everything.
25 Things You Need To Do To Heal Your Emotional Body And Release Subconscious Negativity From Your Life
Find what makes you “flow.”
8 Signs Of Self-Doubt That Secretly Mean You’re Actually Becoming Successful
So many people think that reality not living up to their expectations is failure, but really, it is often a sign of success. Life shouldn’t look the way you once thought it would.
18 Self-Esteem Destroying Habits That Are Probably Part Of Your Everyday Life
Going out of your way to check the social media feeds of people who you know will make you jealous or upset. Being subtly addicted to this “high.”
The ACTUAL Reason You Have So Much Anxiety In Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
As a Capricorn, you thrive when you have a plan, a routine and a purpose. When you don’t have any one of those things (or you’re not clear about what they are) you end up doing an array of strange behavior, like trying new careers that are evidently wrong for you, dating people who don’t actually care about the relationship, or being obsessive about some topic that you could stand to let up on.