Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
You Can Predict Anyone’s Behavior If You Know Their Subconscious Core Commitment
Human behaviors are not random, and they are only confusing until you understand what’s driving them.
20 Signs You’re What’s Known As A ‘Lightworker’
You are almost psychic in your ability to intuit what other people are thinking, feeling, or need in order to heal.
25 Uncomfortable Things You Have To Accept If You Ever Want To Be Truly Comfortable With Who You Are
Nobody is thinking about you as much as you are thinking about you.
7 Zen Principles (And How To Apply Them To Modern Life)
Our biggest aversion to psychological guidance systems—religious or not—tends to be skepticism bred out of (assumed) inapplicability. We’ll trust lifestyle magazines and blog posts and cultural norms. This is simply because they make sense to us.
16 Uncomfortable Feelings Most People Avoid That Actually Make Your Life Better
Doing things slowly, but well.
13 Reasons Why Men Who Marry Empaths End Up The Happiest
Empaths are more sensitive than other people, and this is a great thing. They aren’t going to tolerate you consistently complaining without making change, judging without checking yourself, or worrying without cause.
This Is What Success Is Now
We are the generation that drinks green juice in the morning and made vegan food popular. We have political opinions and source our food locally and care about the chemicals that are in cleaning supplies.
This Is What It Means To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Because It’s More Than Just Deciding You ‘Love Yourself’ One Day
You have to realize that what hurts you is what helps you – you just don’t know why it’s helping you yet.
Love Is NOT Enough And 16 Other Things You Learn About Relationships When You’re Finally In A Good One
Love will feel different than you imagined it could.
This Is What It Means To Be Driven, Because It’s Not About Being Self-Centered Or A Workaholic
Driven people have a higher threshold for what they think is possible in their lives. That’s what fuels them to move.
18 Super Common ‘Ego Traps’ Even The Smartest People Can Fall Victim To
If you consistently point out the problems you see in society or other people more than you offer solutions to those problems, you are in an ego trap.
This Is What It Means To Decide You Want To Marry Someone, Because It Isn’t All Bouquets And Bachelorette Parties
That’s what the right partner does to your whole life: they reorient what you think is possible, they realign your priorities. They make you stronger than you ever thought you could be.
16 Cognitive Distortions That Are Creating Irrational Anxiety In Your Life
A cognitive distortion is a way your mind convinces you that something is true when it really isn’t.
10 Subconscious Biases That Make You Think You’re Doing Worse Than You Actually Are
Destination addiction is what happens when you put more energy into falling in love with the future than you do creating a desirable present.
You Have Problems Because You Like Having Problems, Not Because You ‘Can’t Fix Them’
You can start realizing that you have exactly the life you want – it was only a matter of figuring out why you wanted it that way.
Finding The Right Partner Makes Your Life Take Off, Not Settle Down
The person you’re going to be with will not always make you feel comfortable. It will not always be easy.
6 Signs Your Life Is Going To Defy The Odds And Surprise You With How Good It Gets
Some people are naturally more inclined to seek out what’s “wrong” with their lives, and while this can lead to a pessimistic mindset if not used carefully, it can also be the tool with which you identify areas in your life that need improvement, and strategize how you can improve them.
16 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’ve Been Hurt Too Many Times To Let Your Guard Down Completely
1. Seeing who will fight for you.