Becca Martin
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12 Things Generic White Girls Do When They’re Single On Valentine’s Day
What’s better than being lonely and sad on a day of love? Getting drunk and being sad with your other single friends! Alcohol always makes everything better, it’s proven!!! (JK JK JK)
Stretch Marks, Weight Gain And Other Stuff No One Likes To Talk About
Those few pounds you can never seem to lose? Yeah, those pounds are your dinner dates with friends, your drinks on a Friday after work, that extra piece of pizza you’re craving – those extra pounds are you. They make you who you are and there’s nothing wrong with that.
31 Things I Just Really Don’t Want To Do Anymore
Act like people’s ugly babies are cute for the sake of their feelings.
20 Generic Stages Every White Girl Goes Through While Experiencing A Hangover
1:36 PM: You instantly regret asking questions about last night because now you’re even more embarrassed and hate yourself even more.
Don’t Make A Home Out Of Someone Else’s Heart
It sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? To unpack your life and make a home out of someone else’s heart, to settle down and understand what everyone means when they say home isn’t a place, it’s a person. But they never talk about what happens when that person leaves.
‘Shameless’ I’m BEGGING You To Bring Back Mickey In Season 8
I need them to discover they need each other forever and ever, and I need Mickey to come back, for my sanity (which yes, I understand makes me sound insane because it’s JUST a TV show).
38 Tiny Ways To Love Yourself More
Take an hour of your day to do something you enjoy, but never feel like you have time for.
The Painful Truth About Outgrowing The People You Never Thought You Would
You need those people in your life, the ones who make forever seem too short. But the truth is, we didn’t get forever. We only get a few years before life leads us down different paths and we wake up alone wondering how we got there.
20 Things You Should Stop Wasting Your Time Doing In Your 20s
You don’t need to justify your choices or decisions to anyone. If you want to do something, do it. If you fail that’s great, at least you tried to go after something you want, unlike everyone else who is still sitting on their parents couch.
Don’t Fall In Love When You’re Lonely
A love that is born in loneliness is not a love that is destined for growth – the roots are weak and longevity is hopeless.
Social Media Is Running And Ruining My Life
Be honest, you’re not really putting your volunteer work on social media to show people that you care, you’re putting it up there so people can comment and talk about how wonderful you are for spending two hours picking up trash while you were probably miserable the whole time.
I’m Not Ready For Love (And That’s Okay)
People put being in a relationship on a pedestal. People act like if you are single that there must be something wrong with you, that you must not be enough, that you are unlovable, but all of that is bullshit.
You Have A Purpose
It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing with yourself and your life, it’s okay if you’ve messed up in your past because your past doesn’t define you and neither do your mistakes. You are so much more than the decisions you used to make.
If You’re Unhappy In Your Relationship — Leave
Sometimes you just can’t fix all the broken pieces, no matter how much you want to save them. Sometimes things are too crushed and damaged to be put back together because not everything that’s broken is meant to be fixed.
20 Honest Things I Hope I Will Accomplish In The Next 20 Years
I hope I will have loved more than I’ve lost.
You Were Born To Do So Much More Than Pay Bills And Die
If you’re not doing something that makes you happy then you’re wasting your life.
45 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Feel Lost
If I could not fail what would I do? Is fear of failure the only thing holding me back right now from achieving that goal?
30 Tiny Things To Remember When You Feel Like You’re Falling Behind In Life
There is no right or wrong way to live.