Becca Martin

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Don’t Make A Home Out Of Someone Else’s Heart

It sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? To unpack your life and make a home out of someone else’s heart, to settle down and understand what everyone means when they say home isn’t a place, it’s a person. But they never talk about what happens when that person leaves.

Social Media Is Running And Ruining My Life

Be honest, you’re not really putting your volunteer work on social media to show people that you care, you’re putting it up there so people can comment and talk about how wonderful you are for spending two hours picking up trash while you were probably miserable the whole time.

I’m Not Ready For Love (And That’s Okay)

People put being in a relationship on a pedestal. People act like if you are single that there must be something wrong with you, that you must not be enough, that you are unlovable, but all of that is bullshit.

You Have A Purpose

It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing with yourself and your life, it’s okay if you’ve messed up in your past because your past doesn’t define you and neither do your mistakes. You are so much more than the decisions you used to make.

If You’re Unhappy In Your Relationship — Leave

Sometimes you just can’t fix all the broken pieces, no matter how much you want to save them. Sometimes things are too crushed and damaged to be put back together because not everything that’s broken is meant to be fixed.