Becca Martin

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12 Painful Signs You’re Stuck In A Rut

You can’t even remember the last exciting moment you had in your life. Everything is just kind of a blur and nothing makes you feel alive. You feel like you’re just drifting aimlessly through life.

She Finally Let Herself Go

She started becoming all the things you feared because you knew she’d outgrow you so you left before she had the chance.

You Can Have A ‘Good Life’ And Still Be Depressed

Just because you have what looks to be a good life on the outside doesn’t mean you have a good life on the inside. It doesn’t mean you’re not fighting constant battles and trying to convince yourself you’re fine.

Wait For The Guy Who Loves You For You

Wait for the guy who actually respects you, who pays attention to you, who isn’t just leading you on with no intention of sticking around once you fall.