Becca Martin
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All The Times I Find Myself Missing You
when i think about the past and how much happier i was back then.
Here’s What Your Summer Love Life Will Be Like, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Taurus: You are too stubborn to actually end up in a relationship this summer because you want to do everything you want to do and you don’t want anyone interfering with your plans.
12 Painful Signs You’re Stuck In A Rut
You can’t even remember the last exciting moment you had in your life. Everything is just kind of a blur and nothing makes you feel alive. You feel like you’re just drifting aimlessly through life.
Be The Girl Who Never, Ever Settles
Be the girl who lives a life that makes her feel complete, while still always leaving her thirsty for more.
She’s Going To Leave You Because She’s Better Than You
One day she’s finally going to see for herself just how shitty you really are. She’s finally going to see what everyone has been telling her all this time about you and she’s going to leave you, and she won’t come back.
Your Toxic Relationship Will Ruin Your Life If You Let It
Toxic love is not real love and you’ve spent so long convincing yourself it is.
You Intoxicate Me
It’s like you’re my own personal form of intoxication.
She Finally Let Herself Go
She started becoming all the things you feared because you knew she’d outgrow you so you left before she had the chance.
You Can Have A ‘Good Life’ And Still Be Depressed
Just because you have what looks to be a good life on the outside doesn’t mean you have a good life on the inside. It doesn’t mean you’re not fighting constant battles and trying to convince yourself you’re fine.
15 Women Explain The One Little Thing That Immediately Attracts Them To A Man
“Someone who can hold a conversation!!! I didn’t know that talking to someone was so difficult but if another guy comes up to me who can’t hold a conversation I’m going to scream.” –Rachel, 25
30 One-Sentence Reminders To Read When You’re Feeling Lost
Failure is the best teacher because you have to experience rejection in order to improve and grow.
She Left You Because You Never Loved Her Like She Deserved
You lost her because you treated her like you didn’t care about her and she finally realized that she deserved better.
20 Little Ways To Make The Most Of Your 20s
Stop living a life that looks good to the outside and start living a life that feels good on the inside.
Wait For The Guy Who Loves You For You
Wait for the guy who actually respects you, who pays attention to you, who isn’t just leading you on with no intention of sticking around once you fall.
Stop Asking Me To Fund Your Travels — If You Can’t Afford It Yourself, You Can’t Travel
I mean, you wouldn’t ask people to help you pay for a new house for you to live in just because you want one, right? So, why do you think it’s okay to ask people to help pay for your travels to help you experience the culture just because you want to go?
One Day You’ll Meet Someone Who Completes You But Until Then Don’t Stop Living For You
You are beautiful and wild, and the right person will love you for all you are. You will never be too much or too little of anything, you will always be the person they’ve been dreaming of.
Here’s The Real Reason Your Love Life Sucks, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: You become so caught up in the idea of being alone that the idea of not being alone is almost scarier. By the time you make up your mind about people they’ve moved on.
Here’s To All The Girls Who Catch Flights And Feelings
The world is yours and just because you’re in love doesn’t mean your life should be limiting.