Ashley Pariseau
Relationships writer. No bs advice for women.
Articles by
Ashley Pariseau
3 Things Your Trauma Is Not An Excuse For
No one said it would be easy to heal from past trauma, but it is extremely important to do anything you can.
7 Little Ways To Become A Much More Dateable Man
There are many ways a man can improve himself to attract a woman of value, but for now let’s take a minute to focus on the basics of what he can start doing right now to become generally much more dateable.
10 Reasons Why There’s Nothing More Remarkable Than A Fearless And Authentic Woman
They dare to exist on their own terms and wouldn’t think for a second of trading that for the approval of anyone else.
11 Unromantic Milestones All Long-Term Couples Should Eventually Hit
The first time you see each other ugly cry.
Yes, Women DO Have Something To Offer In Any Relationship
It took time and self-searching, but I came into understanding my worth as a woman, as a human being.
A Confident Woman Will Always Bring 9 Things To The Table
She works hard and pays her own bills because she knows that what grown ass adults are supposed to do.
A Strong Woman Knows She Deserves These 10 Things From A Relationship
Without passion in a relationship, there is no energy, and without energy, you have nothing.
53 Things You Can Do With Your Life Besides Having Kids
Create the life you’ve always imagined, with your dream home, in the town you love most.
6 Signs He Doesn’t Consider You As Anything More Than His Second Choice
Guys pretty much know instantly whether or not they want to date you. Very rarely do they think, “Well after being friends with her for two months, I realized I was attracted to her and wanted to spend more time with her.”
13 Signs You’re Dating A Strong Woman (And Not Just Another Girl)
A girl wants attention. She seeks to have all eyes on her. A woman commands respect.
Your Assumptions Are Wrong — Introverts Are Total Badasses
Being introverted isn’t about being weak, it’s about understanding what makes you strong.
If She Does These 9 Things, She’s Definitely Not Mature Enough For You
Girls seek attention. Women seek respect.
If He’s Actually A Good Guy, He Won’t Do These 13 Things
Quality men don’t complain that there are no decent women anymore.
Everything You Need To Know About Dating If You Want To Find Your Forever Person
First, know your value and what you have to offer, then set your standards well. Those who want to be in your life will rise up to meet them.
There’s A New Dating Trend Called ‘Soft Nexting’ And It’s Way More Confusing Than ‘Ghosting’
Don’t apologize if you don’t know what you did wrong.
11 Things Women Need To Stop Giving A Fuck About Right This Second
The guy that broke your heart.
7 Ridiculous Dating Tips You Need To Ignore If You Want Love That Lasts
Forget about him. He’s our of your league. Too many women will underestimate their attractiveness and dating market value, so they miss out on great guys.
What The Hell Happened To Going Out On Dates? I’ll Tell You…
It’s easy to see why women seem to think relationships in our current climate are harder to come by, but we have to keep in mind that we can obtain better quality dating experiences by reclaiming our natural feminine influence. The power is still in your hands ladies, all you have to do is take it.