53 Things You Can Do With Your Life Besides Having Kids

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I would first like to express that I fully support and respect those who desire to have children and commit their lives to parenthood. I realize that I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for my parents making that choice of which they will always be appreciated for. However, I also understand that there is no one path to fulfillment and that a life of raising kids isn’t going to be for everyone. There are many ways of living a life of meaning and purpose aside from (or along with) having kids of your own.

1. Take up a fun new hobby you’ve always wanted to try.

2. Travel and explore the world to your heart’s desire.

3. Start a non-profit organization for a cause you feel passionately about.

4. Be an involved and loving aunt or uncle.

5. Start your own business.

6. Have an amazing career that you love.

7. Create the life you’ve always imagined, with your dream home, in the town you love most.

8. Become an involved member of your community.

9. Enjoy a child-free life with your partner and maintain a happy and healthy relationship.

10. Become an expert on a topic you love.

11. Finally finish your education and get that degree you’ve always wanted.

12. Embark on a journey to get in the best shape of your life.

13. Learn and master a new skill you’ve always found interesting.

14. Adopt and care for a pet.

15. Start a blog. Write about your experiences or what you know.

16. Set out on a lifelong journey of self discovery and improvement.

17. Volunteer your time or donate to a cause you care about.

18. Enjoy the freedom of staying home alone all day binge watching your favorite show and eating ice cream.

19. Save your money and use it help out your family and friends.

20. Get outside and explore nature.

21. Enjoy living your life, your way, no exceptions.

22. Create your own lifelong bucket list and commit to checking off every last one of them.

23. Sponsor a child for a year.

24. Take classes and join workshops on whatever you find interesting.

25. Get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to try something new.

26. Make a list of all your fears and phobias, then conquer all of them.

27. Reconnect with old friends you haven’t seen in a long time.

28. Educate yourself. Study art, science, philosophy, psychology, etc.

29. Take an RV and live a nomadic lifestyle.

30. Live your life spontaneously.

31. Meet a wide variety of interesting people from different cultures and backgrounds.

32. Dedicate your life to philanthropy.

33. Learn a new language (and use it).

34. Experience living in different parts of the world.

35. Teach others the skills you have acquired.

36. Help your family and friends accomplish their goals and dreams.

37. Stay in bed with your significant other all day on your day off.

38. Work towards an early retirement.

39. Mentor or become a Big Sister/Big Brother.

40. Dare to put yourself first.

41. Join/host a club or social group.

42. Write a book about your life’s adventures. Tell your story.

43. Treat yourself to luxuries you can now afford.

44. Become an entrepreneur.

45. Enjoy the luxury of sleeping in.

46. Dedicate your time to help other children or families in need.

47. Be (and stay) in love.

48. Have an amazing sex life.

49. Cultivate a life of fun, thrills, and adventure.

50. If long term relationships aren’t for you, have fun dating different kinds of people.

51. Work to maintain better relationships with your family and friends.

52. Learn to be child-free without shame or apology.

53. Do whatever you please, because you can. TC mark

About the author

Ashley Pariseau

Relationships writer. No bs advice for women. DamesThatKnow.com

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