Ashlee Valentin

Articles by
Ashlee Valentin
Loving You Was Something Uncontrollable
I loved you despite knowing that we would be nothing but another love story about unrequited feelings.
I Don’t Want To Be Broken Hearted Anymore
I don’t know if it’s true at this point: If I’ve really moved on or if that’s something I tell myself to sleep better at night.
No, I’m Not Over You And I’m Not Ashamed
Feelings like that don’t disappear into thin air.
Real Love Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity
I firmly believe that we only ever fall in love once.
Loving You Wasn’t Always Easy, But It Was Right
You were perfect in the way you made me feel special without trying too hard, and maybe that was part of it: loving each other was simple.
I Was Too Scared To Fully Love You
I wish that someone had warned me that sometimes love hurts more than it’s worth.
I Wish I Didn’t Have To Say Goodbye
The truth is that I will always love you and the fact that my heart goes with you doesn’t upset me because I always knew that if this time came, it would have been this way.
Love The Girl Who Always Feels Alone
She will love you immensely and passionately.
I Can See Myself Falling For You, And That Terrifies Me
Having you and being loved by you would imply that I could also lose you. I don’t want to know what that would feel like, because I know that your absence would come with a lot of pain.
This Is Me Giving Up On The Possibility of You
As much as I enjoy hoping, I have wasted too much time wishing instead of living my life and finding someone who dreams about me in the way I’ve dreamt of you since the day we met.
Not Everyone Deserves Your Love
You were never good enough for me and I realize that now.
You’re Allowed To Leave Me
If you ever felt the need to go, it would hurt, but I would suffice because the love you’ve given me is enough to last me for twelve lifetimes.
I Know You Don’t Love Me Back, But I Can’t Stop Myself
You love the girl with long brown hair and a beautiful laugh that could stop every man in his tracks, and I can’t compete with her.
Double Text Me
I want to hide nothing from you.
I’m Happier Single Than I Have Ever Been In A One-Sided Relationship
I had forgotten what breathing fresh air felt like. I had forgotten what it was like to prioritize my own happiness.
The Unedited Truth About The Darkest Parts Of Being In Love
Loving someone is giving bits and pieces of your heart to someone who may not appreciate the gesture or care enough to replace those pieces with pieces of their own.
I Love You Even If You No Longer Love Me
I want you forever and I have always. I thought the feelings were mutual.
What It Feels Like Moving On From You
I tried washing my bed sheets to get rid of the smell of your cologne, but the feeling of your arms wrapping around me while I sleep hasn’t left.