You're Allowed To Leave Me

You’re Allowed To Leave Me

Know that I have received more love from you than I ever imagined I would. I want you to know that you have given me so many good memories. Know that, whenever you’re ready, you’re allowed to leave me, because even then, I would carry your love and the experiences you’ve given me to the day I stop breathing and it is all because you are an amazing boyfriend who goes above and beyond every day. You choose me every day and I know that I’m extremely fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be loved by you.

Not to say that I no longer love you or care for you, I just want to emphasize how much you’ve given me in our limited time together. You make every second feel like days and I feel like I’ve been loved by you my entire life. I’ve never been made to feel so special and I could never thank you enough for that.

You’re allowed to leave me because keeping you all to myself feels selfish sometimes. A world with you is one that is mature and caring and incredibly funny. I wish the world were full of people like you.

You’ve made me realize that the sky is more than darkness and endlessness, but the sky is opportunity and stars on fire and I’ve never had such a desire to be the sun before you came into my life.

You made me realize that things are more than they seem. You gave me incredible hope that I could be anything I set my heart on and whatever that was, you would support me all the way.

Being with you is the feeling of jumping in a hot shower or rubbing my toes in the sand. It is riding next to the beach with the windows down and my favorite song blasting with you in the driver seat. It is feeling the hot sun on my skin for the first time since winter. You made me feel every desirable feeling every day and know that you’ve given me so much. If you ever felt the need to go, it would hurt, but I would suffice because the love you’ve given me is enough to last me for twelve lifetimes.

I can’t ask you for any more than that. You’ve given me everything that I am today. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Ashlee Valentin
