Andrea Davis
Writer + published author
This Is How You Ruin Your Own Happiness, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
As a Capricorn, you’re sabotaging your happiness by constantly being too hard on yourself.
7 Overwhelming Emotions You’ve Probably Felt Before But Couldn’t Put In To Words
Keyframe: The feeling of remember a specific moment from the past that seemed to be insignificant at the time, but suddenly emerges as an epiphany.
This Is What It’s Like To Date You, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
ENFJ: You want a relationship that is going to last. And you want to share everything and everything with that person.
20 Little Reminders For When You’re Struggling With Your Self-Esteem
Be you. And do so unapologetically. Because you are awesome.
Here’s A Friendly Reminder That You Don’t Need Closure To Move On
What I’ve learned is that at the end of the day, whether you get closure or not, it doesn’t change the situation or the outcome of it.
10 Signs That You’re The Girl Who Constantly ‘Feels Too Much’
When you fall for someone, you fall hard. You’re a hopeless romantic at heart. And you truly do believe that love is still out there, just waiting for you to find it.
Here’s Why You’re Still Single, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
As a Taurus, sometimes you’re too picky for your own good.
Exactly What You Need To Learn To Grow As A Person, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
As a Leo you are a dreamer. You have a difficult time facing reality. And while you were off living in your own little world, life happened.
Here’s The Emotionally Uplifting Reminder Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear
Pisces: You’re driven. You’re smart. You’re passionate. Your talents shine through like no other.
Here’s How You Will Find Yourself Once Again
You might lay awake in bed at night and question every single thing about who you are. And how the HELL you even got here….
What I’ve Learned From Being Raised By A Strong Mother
My mother taught me how rare unconditional love is.
Why I Love Being Alone And There’s Absolutely Nothing Wrong With That
My question is, why is spending time alone such a stigma? Why is doing things alone inescapably associated with being lonely?
7 Habits I Will Absolutely Never Understand About Modern Dating
I’ll never understand why you have to send less emojis so you don’t sound too excited.
What It Means To Grow Up As ‘The Fatherless Girl’
She associates commitment with attachment, and attachment means loss.
28 Lessons I Learned While Healing From My Bad Breakup
It’s not your job to fix someone. And someone who wants to fix you, doesn’t actually love you.
How I Killed Myself Without Actually Dying
I’m now learning to just let things be.
The Heartbreaking Reason Why We Hold Onto Toxic Relationships
When you finally gather enough strength to leave a toxic relationship, no one really tells you what to expect.
19 Realizations You Owe It To Yourself To Have In Your 20s
Small opportunities are still opportunities. It’s okay to start small.