To Live A Full Life, You Need To Stop Being So Afraid

Please don’t let your fears keep you from living a great life. Stop pressing pause in your life. Start pressing play. No matter how scary it may seem, it’s better than not living at all.
Please don’t let your fears keep you from living a great life. Stop pressing pause in your life. Start pressing play. No matter how scary it may seem, it’s better than not living at all.
Because it’s always the tough times that reveal to you who you need the most and it’s no surprise that I need you.
She says, “I’m going to the bathroom.” But she really means, “Pause the television, but only if we’re watching one of my movies. If we’re watching a movie you picked, then just let it keep playing. I really don’t mind missing half of it.”
I know that for a strong woman, it’s hard to accept this. You don’t want help. You don’t feel like you need it. And it’s hard to confront your own emotions head on. But, confronting how you feel right now, will ultimately make you a stronger person. And it will ultimately help you grow.
Do more of what you love. If you’re obsessed with a certain band, go to a concert and chat with strangers in the crowd. If you’re crazy about sports, go to a baseball game and talk to whoever ends up sitting next to you.
Losing your job could lead to a better job, ending a relationship can lead to a better relationship, losing someone can pave the way for deep self-reflection and make you a better person. There is always a rainbow after the storm.
“I know what I’m getting when I’m with him and I’ve accepted it. I might not be really happy, but is anyone?”
Pisces: Sometimes you have to do the best you can until you know better and stop trying to make excuses for people who won’t change.
You both know too. That there’s something just a little off. That things are just a little too forced lately.
To date a strong woman, you need to be able to man the f**k up. With all the cracks her heart has endured through the years, she has turned it into steel. But, you need to break down those barriers and see what’s inside. You need to be able to hear her story and not run.
He’s not that busy, and he definitely saw the text or heard his phone ringing. Non-assholes either text or call you back in a timely manner or give an honest reason as to why they can’t or won’t. Assholes don’t bother.
I loved you. I truly thought you were the only love in my life and I never in a million years, thought I could replace you. But the love of my life isn’t you anymore. It’s me.
Sometimes, the girl who smiles the biggest holds the biggest hurt. Sometimes the girl who encourages everyone around her needs to be told that she is appreciated, that she matters; sometimes she needs to be encouraged herself.