If You See Him, Tell Him I Miss Him

If you see him, tell him I miss him. Tell him I still need him when my world falls apart, tell him I still want to run to him
when I need to run from the world, tell him I can’t forget him, tell him I do nothing but remember him.

This Is Your Go-To Phrase, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn. ‘Let me fix it.’ You’re known as the fixer between your family or your friends, you’re always trying to clean up other people’s mess and you tend to do a good job because you’re organized, cool, calm and collected and you know how to restore order.

Sometimes, Giving Up Is The Bravest Thing You Can Do

Here’s something else nobody will tell you: you’re not meant to do what you love. You’re meant to do what you’re skilled at. Imagine a doctor with a low IQ but a lot of “passion.” Life isn’t just about how much pleasure you can get from something. What’s more important is what you have to give.

14 Things You Only Miss About College After You Graduate

Sweatpants serving as acceptable attire for any occasion. As opposed to after college, when donning sweatpants for seven days straight is about as far from acceptable as you can get. Passing stretchy jeans off at work might be the closest you can get to those glory days, but it does make you appreciate weekends that much more.