How To Let Them Go
22 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Last Semester Of College

People will get jobs, and people will get rejected from their dream schools. You are coming up on four months of extreme highs and lows. Remember that it’s all white noise. Try to not let it make or break you on a daily basis.
Breathe. You’re Okay.
What It Really Means To Be Brave
50 Quotes That Every INFJ Will Instantly Relate To

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” -William Shakespeare
I Have No Interest In Being The ‘Right’ Kind Of Woman
12 Reasons Why You Should Visit New Zealand In 2016
I Found My Photo On A Missing Child Report, And I Don’t Know What To Do

Plastered on the milk carton was a picture of what I recognized as me at an age so young my internal memory never ventured back there, probably about two years old, maybe three. The picture was tucked beneath the word MISSING and surrounded by information that was utterly foreign to me, including the name of the missing boy who looked exactly like me.
What The Holidays Really Feel Like For Children Of Divorce

The stress that comes with splitting your life between two parents is in full-force around the holidays. When you’re a kid, your parents’ divorce is most exposed from November to January.
18 Psychics And Tarot Readers Say What They Really Think About Horoscopes, Prophecy, And Palm Reading

“I’m a tarot card reader. For me it’s real. I’ve had too many experiences to say otherwise.”
10 Reasons Kylo Ren From ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Is Totally Crushable

Who among us haven’t wanted to throw a lightsaber-fit at some unsuspecting console when things don’t go our way? Plus, tantrums mean you get to pet that hair of his and tell him everything’s going to be okay.
How Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Likes To Fall In Love
13 Women Reveal What They Do When Trying To Be Sexy

“When I’m trying to be sexy, I talk dirty. Anything to do with him on top of me, or me on top of him, that usually gets both of us going.”
What Your Boyfriend Actually Wants, But Will Never Ask For

He wants you to take him at his word. He wants you to know that “I love you” today means I love you tomorrow and I’ll love you the day after that, even if he doesn’t always say it aloud.
These Are The 24 Funniest Tumblr Posts You’ll Read Today
A List Of Places In Your Body That I Love

I love the places you hold your doubt. The places that are dark because you have forgotten to grow their light.
6 Signs You’re Letting Your Partner Walk All Over You, And How To Stop

Too often we think that men are a limited time offer, where if we resist what they want in the moment, they will slip away forever. Nonsense.