19 Things You Say At Brunch And What You Actually Mean
Are you going to finish that? = Give me your hash browns or I will cut you.
Are you going to finish that? = Give me your hash browns or I will cut you.
“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and somebody is still not going to like peaches.” But not only that, you might even get rejected by a prune.
Like the lottery numbers were being read off and you had correctly guessed the first five, but as the sixth was being announced someone snatched your ticket, and now they might win the jackpot that could’ve (and probably should’ve) been yours.
Don’t apologize to anyone for finding happiness with someone.
Sometimes when you snoop you discover something you deserve to know.
You cannot love someone if you feel nothing when they are in pain. You can feel “bad” for someone going through something if you feel affectionate or infatuated towards them. But you don’t love someone until the idea of them experiencing any kind of suffering tears your heart out.
“There are plenty of fish in the sea.” No, baby. There are not PLENTY.
Or Joel’s vacation.
I’ve been testing and adjusting various productivity techniques for the past five years, read lots of books (most of them repeating) and here’s some of my findings.
Read on for some of the worst Tinder dates ever witnessed by your local bartenders — we hope they at least left a decent tip!
Remember back in high school, when your mom (a stickler for always being early) dropped you off at your first Legit Party?
Commitment Over Conflict.
Don’t try to look up the manual. I can tell you there is no step-by-step procedure.
Start early.
Ladies, don’t let the title fool you; we are not off the hook.
While you can never control when you will meet someone you want to marry, the older you are, the better. People change so much when they are younger. There’s a much better chance of wanting the same things and continuing to want those same things if you meet when you’re a bit older. So when it seems like you’re the only person without a boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t panic.
The love you really want is your own.
7. The awkward goodnight kiss.