Emily Madriga

Articles by
Emily Madriga
This Fan Theory Helps Explain A Fundamental Plot Hole In ‘The Office’
Everyone’s rainy day fav show-within-a-show The Office was supposed to be about a “real” documentary being made about an everyday paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. One of the big draws of the series was that it did seem real.
50 Plot Holes In The ‘Harry Potter’ Universe You Probably Didn’t Notice
*** None of the kids in Harry’s first year knew about the sorting hat. Literally not one. Not even Malfoy. Not even Ron with his 5 brothers going before him as well as his parents.
33 People Describe Their Personal Encounters With The Unexplainable
My wife and I were eating dinner one night when a guy walked in our house. He told us he was the angel of death and was collecting souls for the apocalypse.
23 Real Ghost Stories That Will Make You Believe In The Paranormal
When I asked about her imaginary friend she solemnly told me that he lived in our house a long time ago.
20 People Talk About The Scariest Serial Killer Of All Time
“Apparently he’d climb up to the bedroom window outside and watch you until you saw him.”
25 Creepy True Stories From Reddit
“Long story short this man had been getting into their home via a doggy door.”
32 Bizarre Fan Theories That Actually Make Sense
Ted put all his one night stand stories on Barney so he doesn’t look bad/manipulative in front of his kids, meaning like 50% of the stories of Barney manipulating women are Ted lying to women to get laid”.
16 Night Walkers Talk About The Creepiest Thing They’ve Ever Seen
I saw someone step behind a tree rather quickly and try to hide from me.
24 Creepy Things That Happened At Real Summer Camps
Church camp made us burn our panties that were “shameful to god”.
21 Strange Stories About What It’s Like To Actually Meet A Lizard Person In Real Life
As I continued on my way, I heard him say “You’re gonna have a bad day tomorrow.”
47 Science Facts That Are Creepier Than A Horror Movie
There were once sea scorpions the size of a great white shark.
17 Scary True Stories From Reddit To Read In Bed Tonight
“Party time” “My great aunt woke up in the middle of the night, she heard her dog making these low growls. She was single at the time and living alone in her ranch style home.
17 Real People Who Knew Men Outed By ‘To Catch A Predator’
“My friend dated someone who ended up disappearing, then we eventually found out he had been arrested for trying to sleep with an under age girl and having rope and guns in his trunk.”
Here Is The Opening Scene From The New ‘Saw’ Movie
To get fans excited for the release, the studio uploaded the movie’s opening scene to YouTube.
17 People On The Creepiest Thing Someone Has Ever Said To Them
I realized at that point that my husband had been meticulously planning my murder.
17 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Actually Might Be True
“Conspiracies are being actively manufactured and promoted as a way to hide actual bad stuff.”
19 Creepy Stories Of People Who Found A Hidden Camera Recording Them
He was listening through Alexa.
25 Creepy Urban Legends From Around The World
In the town I grew up in, there was an old railroad bridge with blood from a girls’ suicide that supposedly could never be washed off and didn’t fade with age.