Siobhan Byrd

Articles by
Siobhan Byrd
Love Is A Choice, And I Am Choosing To Be With You
I am choosing to love you despite how afraid my heart is.
This Is Why You Should Say ‘I Love You’ First
Tell him you love him beyond what words can describe. Tell him you love him with a certainty that scares you. Tell him you love him with every single fiber of your being and deep down to your core.
I Just Want It To Be Like Old Times
I just want it to be like old times where it is quiet, almost serene, as if nothing exists but the here and now.
Never Forget, You Were Someone Beautiful To Me
You were someone who always made sure I was okay. Someone who attempted to heal my loneliness and the gaping void in my heart.
He Loved Me For The Mess I Was
That’s the meaning of love. When you see someone in a vulnerable state, when their eyes are cast downwards from being ashamed of who they are, that’s when you love them harder. When I am embarrassed of simply being myself, he quietly mumbles to me, “I love you for you.”
It Feels Safe To Fall In Love With You
Your love and respect wasn’t earned but given freely; you had so much confidence in people, and you gave it willingly
10 Signs You Have Found The Right Person For You
Your partner lets you cry on their shoulder. They empathize with your suffering and pain and have compassion towards whatever mood or situation you are in.
The Truth Is, I Left You Because I Was Afraid
I regret leaving and especially the pain that ensued. I regret the damage that I’ve done to the life of another.
At 3 A.M., My Mind Wanders Back To You
It remembers the nights we talked endlessly under the stars and the expanse of the universe. Where you held me in your arms and we cuddled until we fell asleep.
It Is Okay To Want A Pure Love
It is okay to want someone who brings support and encouragement. It is okay to want someone who values you, someone who teaches you self-respect, and someone who inspires you to invest in your own development.
To The Person I Love: I’m Setting You Free
I’ve realized that while yes, I do love you, love is more than just wanting to be with someone; it’s about caring about another person’s happiness more than your own.
What I Wish I Could Have Told You
In all honesty, I have to undoubtedly admit that I don’t think I’m over you yet, but life carries on, and like the old adage goes, time will heal all wounds.
A Reminder To Love Him Wholeheartedly
Please do not take his love for granted.
A Promise From God For When You Feel Unloved
You are beautiful just the way you are. And I wish you saw what I could see.
It’s Okay If You Fell In Love With Someone’s Potential
Being in love with potential involves falling, and you weren’t afraid of heights. You jumped without even thinking if there was a safety net underneath.