Ryan O'Connell

Being Single And Average Looking Is Exhausting

Since I wasn’t born with the luxury of resting on my looks (there is NOTHING to rest on, besides maybe a jagged rock), I’ve had to develop good conversation skills. (Remember: Average looking people can’t have average brains!)

This Is How We Break Up Now

Breakups will never be what they once were. In order to really let go and not spend two years getting over a six month relationship, you have to detach. You have to do away with social niceties and blow up the relationship graveyard.

How Uber Changed My Life

SPONSORED POST: I had a pay-as-you-go phone for ten years and all it took was one night with Uber for me to be like, “I NEVER KNEW YA!”

5 Types Of Relationships That Always End In A Break Up

I grew up middle-class. All of my friends were middle-class. Then when we went away to college, we were exposed to all of these different kinds of levels of wealth. Some of my friends shacked up with rich boyfriends, only to have the relationship dissolve because it became too uncomfortable.

5 Things You Have To Remember When You’re Feeling Depressed

Be in the present. When you’re unhappy, it’s tempting to think about the past and basically anything that’s not right in front of you. But the past is something you can’t do a damn thing about and obsessing over it will only further the unhappiness.