Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
12 Women Reveal How They Feel When They’re Called A Slut
“It doesn’t phase me. If someone calls me a slut I basically interpret it as them saying I’m extremely comfortable with my own sexuality.”
6 Things Secure Women Do For Themselves That Can Either Interest Or Intimidate A Man
She misses you when you’re gone, but she won’t stop you from leaving. She is the type of woman who will “wish that you’re here,” but won’t resent that you’re not. You shouldn’t expect her to beg you to stay.
12 Men Share Whether Or Not They Think Chivalry Is Dead
“It’s definitely not dead, but it’s kind of in a vegetative state; it’s on life support. Chivalry is in a coma.”
7 Types Of Women Who Can’t Figure Out Why They’re Still Single
She wants him so bad when she can’t have him, but as soon as he’s obtainable she loses interest. She most likely doesn’t realize that she only desires the undesirable, but as she becomes bored when feelings are reciprocated, it becomes apparent.
7 Things You’re Doing In Attempt To Bring Him Closer That Are Actually Pushing Him Away
It’s hard not to be excited in the beginning phases of a relationship, but sometimes that excitement can lead to moving things along far too fast. He doesn’t need to meet your parents on the second date, and sometimes attempting to make things move faster will only make him want to slow things down.
7 Things You Need To Know About The Girl Who’s Always Single Before You Fall In Love With Her
She needs you to take things slow. For her to truly know how she feels about you, she cannot be rushed. She knows lust, but love she is a stranger to, so give her time.
12 Women Share What They’d Never Tell The Person They Just Started Dating
“I probably won’t mention that I tell my mother everything. That might scare him a bit.”
15 Men Share The Difference Between A Girl Who’s Just A Hookup And A Girl Who’s Girlfriend Material
“You want to take your girlfriend everywhere and anywhere because it’s better when you’re with her. The girl who’s just a hookup, you don’t really care whether she’s there or not.”
13 Men Reveal The Thing About A Woman That Makes Her Most Approachable
“Women are the most approachable when they’re noticeably enjoying themselves. When she is laughing, having a good time with her friends, and not looking around the room to see if any guys are looking at her.”
7 Signs You’re Running From Your Feelings Because You’ve Been Hurt Before
You rarely ever openly admit you ‘like’ someone. The moment you admit you like him, is the moment you think everything will fall apart.
14 Women Share What Their Boyfriends Do That Immediately Gets Them In The Mood
“Sometimes he will sext me while I’m at work, and as soon as I get home I want to tear his clothes off. I’m always super paranoid my coworkers are staring at my phone over my shoulder.”
16 Women With Male Roommates Share What They’ve Learned About Male Behavior
“Honestly, I liked living with a guy better than I liked living with a girl. He never had any bitchy mood swings, and he always had a condom if I ever needed one.”
11 People Who Hooked Up With A Friend Share How It Affected Their Relationship
There was always a little bit of sexual tension there, just because we were such good friends and with each other every weekend. Finally I put the idea out there that we should just try hooking up. Damn I was wrong.
15 Women Share How They Got Over Their Ex (For Good)
“I just think about our relationship as a learning experience, and I think everyone should see their exes in that way, so you can move forward and not make the same mistake twice.”
11 People Talk About That Moment When Their Ex Comes Crawling Back
“An ex asking to have you back is how you unintentionally get back at them for dumping you in the first place. They’re basically kicking themselves in the ass, so you don’t have to. It makes me feel great about myself.”
15 Single Women Reveal Why They’re Still Single (So You Can Stop Asking)
“Not to sound conceited, but people always tell me I’m ‘too pretty to be single.’ If that were true, I’d have a boyfriend.”
12 Ways To Know He Hasn’t Completely Moved On
She is on his phone’s home or lock screen. Think about how many times a day you look at your phone. That’s how many times a day he is seeing his ex.
17 Women Share Their Brutally Honest Thoughts On Dating Men For Their Money
“Of course life is more comfortable with money, but as long as he’s not lazy and indifferent, I don’t care how much money he has. Money can’t buy him passion.”