17 Women Share Their Brutally Honest Thoughts On Dating Men For Their Money

Twenty20 / ashleyartidiello
Twenty20 / ashleyartidiello

1. “If they have a lot of money, they probably did something to get that money, and motivation is attractive. When a guy works for what he has, it’s hot, and I like that.” —Anita, 24


2. “I would never date someone for the amount of money they have, but if a guy has a lot of it, it’s definitely a plus.” —Rachael, 23


3. “Okay, well let’s think about this. We’re in our twenties, and what do we do on the weekends? We go out. If a guy can’t afford to buy me a drink, then it’s probably going to be awkward when I have an empty glass in my hand and a bartender asking if I’d like another. So yes, money matters to some extent.” —JoAnna, 25


About the author

Nicole Tarkoff

Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.

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