Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
This Is Why People Fall In Lust (Not Love) With You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: People fall in lust (not love) with you because you’re a ball of energy and you just want to have fun!
This Is Why You Won’t Let Love In Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini: You won’t let love in because you’re scared you’ll mess it up.
This Is Why Your Ex Is Still In Love With You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Taurus: Your ex is still in love with you because you were the one person in their life they could ALWAYS depend on.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Will Break Your Heart The Hardest
An Aries breaks your heart when they decide to do the things they said they’d do with you, without you, and it hurts.
How Your GF Changes Once She’s (Really) Comfortable In The Relationship, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
When a Taurus girlfriend is really comfortable in her relationship, she becomes protective.
This Is Why You Don’t Really Care About Finding Love Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Leo: You don’t really care about finding love because you don’t need someone else’s affection to make you feel good about yourself.
When She Asks Him Why He Loves Her
A small part of her can’t believe it and a larger part of her maybe doesn’t want to.