Mica Trinidad

Just a girl with coffee flowing through her veins.
Articles by
Mica Trinidad
All I Want Is A Cup Of Coffee With You
All I want is a cup of coffee with you. With our hands intertwined, gripping paper cups which probably have our names spelled wrong, strolling through the streets and breathing in the fresh air.
What I Realized When I Stopped Trying To Win Him Over And Finally Moved On
I’m thankful that it took his lack of interest (it’s not as bad as it sounds) for me to know what I deserve.
50 Poems About Life, Love, And Everything Else
Poetry is everywhere. It’s in the air we breathe, it’s in the rustling of the trees, it’s in streets of a city, and it’s in every corner of the universe…
The Moment I Realized He’s Just Not There Anymore
I remember each time he’d take my picture when I wasn’t looking. I remember him spoiling me with things I sometimes didn’t deserve
This Is How I Miss You When Distance Keeps Us Apart
I miss you when I see your name appear on my screen. A simple text from you goes a long way.
Some People Just Aren’t Worth It Anymore
I’m sick and tired of getting up every day living my life for other people.
7 Signs You’re A Person Who Is Mad At The World
You’re not a morning person. You’re not an afternoon person. You’re not an evening person.
25 Unfortunate Reasons Being An Eternally Single Girl Sucks
You hate having to say ‘table for 1’ when you eat at a restaurant.
7 Signs You’re A Pluviophile
I think it’s so beautiful when it rains. You see a different side of people. You see a different side of the world.
6 Reasons Why I Love My Sister Even Through The Ups And Downs
When I have problems, I run to my sister. When I have stories about my day or what happened in school, I tell my sister. When I need advice or tips on something, I ask my sister. I know my sister will always be there for me like I know I’ll always be there for her. Here are 6 reasons why I love my sister so much.
95 Books That Changed My Perspective On Life And Love
Books are like magic.
13 Ways To Be The Best Boyfriend She’s Ever Had
Girls these days expect so much from their boyfriends, thanks to the influence of chick licks and romance novels that changed their perspective on relationships and love.