Mary McMahon

Thought Thinker, Word Reader, Aspiring Giggle-inducer at your service.
Articles by
Mary McMahon
Read This If You Can’t Be With The Person You Love
Maybe there’s no logic to it at all. Maybe you have to take the logic out of love to simplify it for yourself. Maybe you just need to let things happen, let them unfold in order to live your true happiness.
This Is Why Strong Women Fall Harder Than Everyone Else
We love deeply, we love fully – because there’s not one aspect of our life that we half-ass.
You Need To Think Less, And Feel More
Stop living through the fear. Stop living in the doubt. Begin to think less and feel more. Go with your gut. Feel all of it, and think nothing of it. Feel all the love or hope or happiness without letting your brain overcomplicate it.
10 Texts You Can Send When You Think You’re Getting Ghosted
“I’m just wondering what happened to make you vanish. If you aren’t interested, you could’ve just told me. People are allowed to change their feelings. If it’s something else, I’d like to know. It’s the least you could do.”
15 Texts You Can Send Someone Instead Of Ghosting Them
Say ‘no’ to ghosting. You can do this. Go out there and be ‘not shitty.’
Here Are The 12 Types Of Love
Routine Love: You love each other. It’s just a fact. There’s this cozy comfort in this person. ‘Routine’ sounds like it’s a bad thing, but it’s really not. It’s simplicity. There’s no questioning.
Read This If You Don’t Have Regrets About Breaking Up
It’s not like it didn’t hurt for you. It did. It hurt a lot, but you also hurt a lot during the time you were together. So that final goodbye is less heartbreak for you, and more so your freedom to live and love yourself again.
Read This If You’ve Been Cheated On
You’ll make it through. You’re just taking a different path than everyone else to happily ever after.
Here Is Why You Need To Dump That Toxic Friend
You are allowed only a certain amount time on this earth, so why not spend it with the people that make you your best self?
This Is Why You Will Never End Up With Your Soulmate
There are three kinds of people in the world. People who believe in soulmates, people who absolutely do not, and people like me: the uncertain ones, the skeptics.
11 Surprising Things I Learned When I Gave Up Alcohol For 30 Days
People will find any excuse to drink. In the wise words of Kendrick Lamar, “Pour up, drank, head shot, drank. Sit down, drank, stand up, drank. Pass out, drank, wake up, drank. Faded, drank, faded, drank.”
This Is How You Are Settling
You can’t just love someone simply because they are available and willing to love every single piece of you.
Do Yourself A Lifechanging Favor: Forget Your Past And Move On With Your Life
Memories never forget. Memories make up who you are. But you can’t let your past seep into your future and ruin any prospect of happiness that you have.
12 Reasons Why Chicago Girls Are The Best Kind Of Girls To Date
Even if the cold weather gives us permanent “resting bitch face,” we are some of the friendliest girls around.
How You Know You’ve Found Someone Who Is Worth It
A person who is worth it will fight with you. They will fight with you because they know that the things worth having in life require the most work.
Here’s Why You’ve Never Been In Love Before
Sometimes I wonder if I loved too hard in the past and that I kind of just used it all up, like a tank of gas.
This Is The Way That Love Will Find You Again
You know how they say that it is better to have loved and lost, than to never love at all? Well, it’s that in-between stage – of wondering when you will ever love again – that is the hardest part of it all.
10 Challenging Stages Of Losing Weight, And All The Ways You’ll Almost Fail
The “I Have An Event/Holiday/Fun Weekend And Am Going To Go Off Of The Deep End” Stage: You find yourself going off the deep end and diving head first into a pile of whipped cream.