Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
If You Are Going To Live, Live With Intention
Live intentionally. Say things that you mean; say things that matter.
Maybe It Was Never About Letting Go Of You, But Letting Go Of Who I Used To Be
Letting go of you meant saying goodbye to the girl I was with you. And welcoming a new girl in.
For Every Girl Who Doesn’t Feel Like She’s Enough
Listen. There’s always going to be something that you’re not ‘enough’ of. There’s always going to be some part of you that won’t measure up to perfection because guess what? You’re not perfect.
You’re Not A Bad Person, Just Bad For Me
I keep putting you in this box, keep labeling you as something you’re not, something I can believe in. I keep thinking, every single time, that things will change, that things have changed, that things were never as bad as they were.
But maybe I’ve just been blind.
I Promise To Grow Old With You, But I’ll Never Grow Up
I promise to always love you with that childish sort of abandon, the kind of love that is so pure, no matter what obstacles come our way.
I Forgive You For Leaving Me When I Needed You The Most
I threw all my hope into you, thinking that you could save me. But I’m not angry that you didn’t. Because I was forced to save myself.
I Left A Piece Of My Heart In The Mountains
I’ve learned that wandering means letting go, means embracing a new life, a new culture, a new schedule, a new experience. It means learning to be unafraid of what’s around you, or even what’s coming next.
Fall In Love With Someone Who Makes You Laugh
Fall in love with a person who’s going to crack jokes at the worst times, who’s going to connect with your sense of humor, who’s going to turn your anxiousness into ease, your fear into confidence.
I’m Still Learning What It Means To Be Strong
Sometimes I feel fearless. Sometimes I feel afraid. But I’m still learning that regardless of these feelings, I am still strong. I am still capable.
No Matter What Happens, I Won’t Walk Away From You
I’ll be there whenever you need me; I’ll be there even for the times you don’t. I’ll be there because that’s what sisters do—and you won’t have to ask. Whenever you call, I’ll pick up the phone. I’ll share your laughs and your fears, your painful moments and best memories.
Self-Love Means Embracing Who You Are, While Fighting For Who You Can Be
You can’t love yourself into complacency. You must always see yourself as beautiful, yes. But as a beautiful work in progress.
Maybe It’s Okay To Be Hurting
It’s okay to not always feel positive, feel strong, feel like I can take on the world. It’s okay to sometimes acknowledge that you feel weak or tired or vulnerable. Because the beautiful thing about those feelings is that they lead to strength.
Promise Me One Thing: That You’ll Be Here
I need to know that when I give you my heart, you won’t run. That when I tell you I’m falling in love with you, you’ll pull me closer, not push me away. I promise I will treat you right and stand by you and for you, if you just promise me this one thing: that you won’t leave.
101 Little Things That Make Your Heart Just As Happy As Falling In Love
Dancing like a goofball and not having a care in the world.
Maybe God Isn’t Answering Your Prayer Because Something Even Better Is Coming
God listens to every prayer. He hears every word that we whisper from our lips; He knows our thoughts and even our hearts. And He listens. But just because He isn’t granting our prayers in the way we want Him to doesn’t mean He doesn’t love us.
I Know It’s Selfish, But I Hope You Still Think Of Me
I know it’s selfish, but I hope there’s still a part of you that wonders about me. That even though we’re miles and months apart, you find yourself staring at something that reminds you of me, twirling it between your fingers, fighting with your heart to call me.
There’s More To Love Than Fun
I want a love with a purpose—a love that matters, a love that means something, a love that’s moving in a direction—not just a love that’s enjoyable but temporary.
The Truth Is, You Find Yourself When You Travel
You don’t have to travel to live this fulfilled, inspired life. But you have to leave what you’ve always known. Because that’s the only way you grow.