Why It’s Impossible To Get Over You (In 5 Words), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
How Each Zodiac Sign Absolutely Knows They’re With The Wrong Person (In 5 Words)
Everyone Is Getting Married, But At Least I Have Pasta

I’d rather have a muffin top than to go on a awful date that makes me want to throw up. I’d rather gain a few pounds than be with someone who doesn’t love me in the same way. I’d rather eat alone in my apartment, then go through a really awkward and anxiety inducing date.
What Loneliness Means Because It’s More Than Not Having Someone To Cuddle

You feel lonely whenever you hear a song that reminds you of your ex. Whenever a character on TV shares their name.
It’s Okay, I’m A Pisces

Maybe I’ll fail to show up for our coffee date and then go weeks without answering a single one of your texts before I hit you up with a “Oh, hey, what’s up?” But, like, that’s not really my fault, you know? I’m a good friend, but I’m also a Pisces.
How To Be The ‘Chill Girl’ Who Has Absolutely Everything Figured Out

Spend too much money on sparkly things that promise to make you feel beautiful. Buy red lipstick even thought it doesn’t make you look like Marilyn Monroe. Buy more highlighters because no one will know you’re suffering if you’re glowing and shining right?
What Losing My Dad Taught Me About Life

Accompanying someone as they slowly succumb to death, watching their last breath, feeling their hands go cold in yours – changes you right down to your soul.
This Is The Whole Truth About Why She Keeps Her Heart Guarded

She keeps her heart guarded because she feels broken inside. Her past romances have screwed her up, they have given her baggage too heavy to carry.
This Is What Fixing Someone Really Means Because It’s More Than Just Trying To Change Them
You Can’t Erase The Memory Of A Person You Used To Love

There’s no way you can erase the image of someone who was once special to you. There’s no way you can totally forget your past. And there’s no way that my name doesn’t exist in your heart.
I’m Slowly Learning How To Wait

I’m slowly learning that there are no timelines in life; just learning, living and evolving.
You Taught Me That Effort Matters More Than Sexual Tension
Stay Single Until You Find Someone Who Texts You Like This

Date someone who wakes you up with the sweetest texts — even when you’re in a sour mood.
Sometimes The Reason Why You Can’t Let Go Is Because You’ve Lost Sight Of Who You Are

You’ve created a world where your happiness depends on other people and without realizing it, you’ve let go of yourself in the process. You’ve forgotten the person you were before them. The person who dreamed, the person who knew their worth. You’ve spent so much time and energy putting your faith in someone else, when the only person you’ve ever needed to have faith in is yourself.
This Is What Makes You Seem So Clingy, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: Even though you are as independent as they come, some people mistake you as being clingy, because you aren’t afraid to make the first move.
What Each Myers-Briggs Type Needs For The New School Season

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator sorts people into sixteen distinct personality ‘types’ that share common patterns of processing information. And each type needs something a little different when it comes to preparing for the school year!
What It Feels Like To Have Separation Anxiety Disorder

Even in a crowded place, you feel lonely just because you are not anywhere near the person or the place you are strongly attached with. You feel alone. You feel so cold.