Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
10 Reasons Why The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl Who Loves ‘Too Much’
She’ll love your darkest places. The unforgiveable places. The places and memories and regrets and thoughts you keep hidden in the shadowy corners of your mind—she will love those.
15 Defining Father-Daughter Moments That Every Daddy’s Girl Can Relate To
When he pulls the ‘I have a gun’ line (and other threats) on your very first boyfriend.
I Spent The Entire Valentine’s Day Weekend With My Family And It Was A Major Wake Up Call
I was terrified about going home for Valentine’s Day weekend. This trip had the potential of getting my mind (and body) out of awkward, what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life situations. But it could also be a reminder of how utterly single I was. I was twenty-two and hanging out with my parents. SOS.
To The Next Girl He Loves
You must have brown hair, because he’s partial to brunettes.
Read This If You Love Someone Who Doesn’t Trust You
Sure, you can comfort this person and teach them what real love is, but you cannot change their mindset.
You Need To Stop Worrying About Who To Love And Start Focusing On What You Love
We can’t spend our days obsessing over this future, hasn’t-even-happened-yet, somewhere-off-in-the-distance relationship because we won’t be present in the now.
16 Guys Explain Their Take On What ‘True Love’ Really Is
“If you can’t have a conversation with her at 7 in the morning, when she has no makeup on, it’s lust.”
40 Tiny, Serendipitous Moments To Remind You How Beautiful Life Truly Is
Listening to the sounds of nature.
I Will Never Be An ‘IDGAF’ Type Of Girl
I have too much heart, to a flaw. In my relationships, I care so incredibly. When I love, I fall completely, fully, fearlessly. And when my heart is broken, I forgive, let go, and continue loving because that is who I am. Who I’ll always be.
This Is How It Feels When You Love Someone Who Struggles With Depression
Like you’re underwater, trying to speak, but your words come out mumbled and off-key and you keep opening your mouth and it fills with water so you can’t speak. And the person you love is just floating, slowing sinking down, down.
I Found A Feather On The Passenger Seat Of My Car And It Brought Me To Tears
A feather is a reminder that you are not alone.
25 Things You Need To Thank Your Teammates For
For not letting you dwell on (or cry profusely over) a crappy game.
8 Valuable Life Lessons You Learn From Playing Softball
Sh*t doesn’t come easy. If it was easy, they’d call it baseball. (Just kidding.)
20 Small Ways You Can Love Yourself A Little More Each Morning
Smile, just because.
It’s Never Too Late To Start Over
If you don’t like that direction, turn. Don’t turn back. Don’t turn around. Just turn. Right. Left. Diagonal. Cut across the grass. Take a back road.
I Made A Million And One Mistakes Loving Him, And I Will Make Them All Again
The mistake I made in falling hard, I’d do it over, every time.
17 Childish Things To Never Stop Doing, Even When You’re In Your Twenties
Buying a sweet treat from the ice cream truck. Because you hear that sing-song melody every summer afternoon. And because it will always taste better from the truck, no matter your age.
50 Simple Questions To Ask Yourself When You Need A Reminder That You’re Blessed
Am I warm? Am I cold? Can I feel?