Madison Moore
Author of How To Be A Pop Star.
5 Songs For When You’re Getting Ready To Go Out This Weekend
Are you ready to tear the club up?
20 Songs That Perfectly Encapsulate Being In Your 20s
They only want you when you’re seventeen. When you’re twenty one, you’re no fun.
The 7 Most Appealing Qualities In People
As we go through life searching for meaningful connections with the all people we meet, if they have these qualities you will definitely want to keep them around for awhile.
9 Songs That Always Make You Feel Fabulous
Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes you wake up and you’re feeling down. But don’t feel sorry for yourself. You’re amazing! Here are 9 songs that’ll always make you feel fabulous so you can pick that chin up and make the world your own personal catwalk.
What Your Bag Says About You
Which one are you?
16 Signs You’re A Control Freak
7) You get a rejection letter from a job or a school but just like, WHATEVER. It’s their fault they didn’t take you. They will be sorry!
The Problem With Interracial Marriage
Even some presidents don’t believe in it.
I Don’t Understand Why White People Love Flip Flops So Much
Can we wait until it’s at least 75 degrees outside, everyone? Jesus.
The 8 Best Songs About Butts
There’s a party in your booty.
Stop Everything You’re Doing And Listen To This Song
Nobody can work a front leg slit like Ciara can. NOBODY.
7 Party Songs From The 90s Guaranteed To Make Your Spring Break HOT
The month of March means 30 whole days of college students all across America celebrating a week off from school doing important volunteer work or, probably, lounging around in hot tubs and playing volleyball on Mexican beaches.
This Is What Happens When You Text A Dick Pic
He sent it as a subtle reminder — or a preparedness warning, really. She brings it out, using one hand to cup the top of the phone so the bartender doesn’t see it, I guess. I’m pretty sure this exact situation has happened in front of him like 10,000 times already.
The 8 Worst Foods To Eat In Bed
These are the worst foods to eat when you’re binging on Netflix from bed on those comfy Sunday afternoons.
21 Reasons It’s Better To Live Alone
11) You are not going to run into any surprise toenail clippings somebody forgot to clean up — unless they’re yours!
I Can’t Say I Love You
Saying “I love you” to a new person for the first time is big. But does it have to be?
14 Signs You're Not As Young As You Used To Be
Foods you used to love and binge eat while you watched the whole season of Battlestar Galactica in one day now make you sick to your stomach.
20 Definite Signs He's A Bottom
Are you a top or a bottom? The wrong answer can ruin a perfectly good Saturday night.
What You Miss About Them After The Break-Up
But every time you miss something about the other person, think about two things you hated. If the things you hated add up to more than the things you liked, it’s time to let go.