Madison Moore

The 7 Most Appealing Qualities In People

As we go through life searching for meaningful connections with the all people we meet, if they have these qualities you will definitely want to keep them around for awhile.

9 Songs That Always Make You Feel Fabulous

Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes you wake up and you’re feeling down. But don’t feel sorry for yourself. You’re amazing! Here are 9 songs that’ll always make you feel fabulous so you can pick that chin up and make the world your own personal catwalk.

16 Signs You’re A Control Freak

7) You get a rejection letter from a job or a school but just like, WHATEVER. It’s their fault they didn’t take you. They will be sorry!

This Is What Happens When You Text A Dick Pic

He sent it as a subtle reminder — or a preparedness warning, really. She brings it out, using one hand to cup the top of the phone so the bartender doesn’t see it, I guess. I’m pretty sure this exact situation has happened in front of him like 10,000 times already.

What You Miss About Them After The Break-Up

But every time you miss something about the other person, think about two things you hated. If the things you hated add up to more than the things you liked, it’s time to let go.