20 Reminders You Need When You Feel Like Giving Up

August 2018 Full Moon In Pisces: This Is Your Next Chapter

There is a full moon in Pisces on August 26th, 2018. This is a very intense time as we have seven different planets in Retrograde, as well as have had three eclipses this year compared to two like we typically do. Not only do we have so much conjoining energies, but the sun during this full moon will be in the sign of Virgo.

When planets are in Retrograde it is said to be a time of going back and analyzing our life, which is also part of Virgo nature. Retrogrades are for reflection, it’s a time to really look at yourself and your life and make sure everything is how you want and need it to be. However, the energy that a full moon brings is energy pushing forward. Full moons are a time for change. This energy may seem conflicting, but not if you engage with it appropriately.

Now is a time to shed your layers. Get rid of absolutely everything that does not serve you and your greater good.

Now is a time for questioning every area of your life, especially your spirituality, relationships, creativity, and work.

This is a time where you are being asked to take a leap of faith, to welcome transitions, and to let go and allow things to fall into place.

What’s meant to stay, will. What’s meant to leave, will.

You are being called to your new chapter. You are being encouraged to fully mold into you who are truly meant to be. This is a time to set down your fear, your anxiety, the people who hold you back from your own evolution, and any belief system about yourself or your life that doesn’t serve you.

This is the prelude to your next chapter.

This moon is a time to ask yourself some questions:

Who am I?

Who do want to be?

How can I be more open?

What do I need to release?

What’s holding me back?

What are some positive changes I can make to really step into my dream life?

How can I protect my space better, how can I create healthier boundaries?

This energy is intense, so be easy on yourself.

This is the time to become the person you want to be, to ask questions and receive answers, to be spiritually curious, to end and begin relationships from a wholehearted space, and to really reflect on the things you need and want in your space.

The Virgo nature will assist you on your quest to realization and the Pisces nature will help bring forth your truest visions for yourself, the Truth you need in your life.

Welcome to your next chapter, the beginning of the self you’ve been longing for. Welcome to the space of new knowledge, new answers, and new meaning. This is your next chapter. TC mark

About the author

Leena Lomeli

Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.