Kate Bailey

Part time writer. Full time bad ass bitch. Brunch-having New Yorker.
Articles by
Kate Bailey
16 Signs A Woman Will Be An A+ Mother
1. You’re the mom of your office. You check in to see if your coworkers are okay, you’re always somehow mediating situations, quelling tensions, bringing snacks… 2. And you do the same for your friends.
17 New Ways To Have More Meaningful Sex
Go slow. Even if you like it fast and passionate and breathless and rough, pace yourself, take it as slowly as you can. Every grab and squeeze becomes so much more intense when it’s slow and intentional.
28 Things Girls Say Vs. What They Actually Mean
What they say: “I’m so awkward, lol.” // What they actually mean: “I’m hot and wear glasses from time to time.”
17 Things Men Say They Want Vs. What They Actually Want
“I just want someone who knows what she wants in life, but mostly because I have no idea what I want in life.”
33 Weird Thoughts Every Woman Starts Having In Her Mid 20s
“Do people actually enjoy going out?”
16 Things That Happen When You’re Obsessed With Your Best Friend
You bicker like an old married couple, and over all the old-married-couple things: “No, seriously, borrow my sweater!” “You can have my fries, I swear I don’t want them!” “White wine is FINE, really!” “Okay, are you sure? I love you.”
6 Women On How They Feel About The Way Guys Dress
“Boys sag, men buy what fits.”
The 10 Struggles Of Only Attracting The People You Aren’t Attracted To
In school, you weren’t quite “cool” but you weren’t exactly a complete outcast either. You were an in-between floater. The people who only attract the people they aren’t attracted to always are.
20 Things That Need To Be On Everyone’s BFF Bucket List
Actually make that harassing, “I’m always going to come first” speech you’ve talked about to a significant other/husband or wife-to-be.
16 Signs You’re Meant To Be A Mom
You consider your own mother one of your biggest role models and influencers.
16 Unconventional Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate
You’ve split up — often unpredictably and unexpectedly.
17 Weird Things Girls Did With Their Friends In The Early 2000s
Came up with “names” for your groups like, “The Feisty Five” and then proceed to write those people’s initials in your AIM profile.
18 Struggles Only Anxious People Have To Deal With
Convincing yourself that any and every subtweet, even from the mildest of acquaintances, is somehow about you.
17 Daily Problems Only Lazy People Understand
Ignoring texts for hours and days at a time not because you hate people, but because you just really don’t want to have to lie about what you’re doing to get out of having to go out.
16 Things We Forget To Thank Our High School Friends For
For being the only people in the world to not judge how much you ate on any given night/fast food/pizza run.
15 Struggles Only People Who Are Average At Everything Understand
You always feel as though you’re being overlooked by your romantic interest of choice for that one person who’s just a little bit better in all these random, little ways.
14 Struggles Only Homebodies Understand
“What are you doing?” “Nothing… I’m just sitting at home… but like, because I want to.”
15 Signs Your Best Friend Has Become Family
You don’t bicker like siblings as much as you do like an old married couple (but like family, nonetheless.)