January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
7 Things I Wish I Knew About FWB Before Sleeping With Him
I wish I realized the phrase I’m not ready for a relationship right now is misleading. It doesn’t mean, if you stick around long enough, he’s going to turn around one day and decide to date you.
The Stupid Thing Each Zodiac Sign Does When They’re Lonely
ARIES – You get a new tattoo, get a new piercing, or dye your hair a different color. You try to change yourself into a different person, one you like better.
33 Annoying Things Introverts Wish Extroverts Would Stop Doing Once And For All
Insist on speaking to me on the phone when it could be easily done by text.
How Each Zodiac Sign Sucks At Love
You suck at communicating your feelings.
50 Women Talk About Having Sex With An Extremely Large (Or Extremely Small) Penis
You cannot take a large one if you’re not totally aroused. Blowjobs were the bane of my life. I used to be an avid giver but now I hate them. You can forget any hope of anal.
50 Facts About Serial Killers That Are Insanely Creepy
Jeffrey Dahmer… towards the end right before he got caught, had so many bodies in his apartment that he ran out of room and stored one victim in his bathtub. He proceeded to shower over him everyday for a month!
Why Your Life Has Felt So Stale Lately, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You’ve been sleepwalking through your days. You only exist to eat, sleep, and work.
If You Aren’t Having Fun In Your 20s, You’re Doing Something Very, Very Right
Your young years should not ever be the best years of your life.
How Each Zodiac Acts On Their Period
GEMINI: You get extra sentimental. You say I love you a lot. All you want to do is cuddle.
50 Men Who Gave The Absolute Worst Proposals In Human History
A guy changed his Facebook relationship status from “in a relationship” to “engaged”. When his girlfriend called him to ask about it he responded: “Well, what do you say?”
If Someone Does These 25 Things, They’re Probably A Virgin
Going from being talkative and open to suddenly not saying much when the topic shifts to something sex related.
The Podcast You Should Listen To On Your Way To Work (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
Here are the best podcasts you can watch on YouTube. They star your favorite YouTube personalities (and a few famous comedians).
The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Leave the house. Pick up pizza instead of having it delivered. Visit your friends in person instead of texting them. Go out and see the world instead of cooping yourself up inside.
50 Marriage Counselors On The Most Common Mistakes Couples Make
Discussing really important decisions / making these decisions via text messages.
What Each Zodiac Should Read On The Beach This Summer
When you’re packing your beach bag, you can’t forget to bring along a book!
50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day
Not doing a hair trial. I wound up with some weird Game of Thrones braids inspired mullet thing, and the curls fell out as soon as I left the hotel because it was super humid. I would have opted for something different.
33 Psychological Tricks To Help You Win Arguments And Make Others Uncomfortable
When they want to fight remain calm and agree with them. It frustrates them that they can’t rile you up and ends up showcasing how much of an asshole they really are, and essentially exposes them for being an aggressor/manipulator.
What Singles Have In Store This Summer, According To Their Zodiac Sign
LIBRA: You’re going to meet someone who makes you forget about your ex.