January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
What’s Missing From Your Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
PISCES: You wish your person was a little more vocal when it comes to their thoughts and emotions.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Feels Unloved, Unwanted, And Unappreciated
AQUARIUS: You’re always the one to compromise, to sacrifice, to compromise. It’s never the other way around.
This Is The Dark Truth About Highly Ambitious People That Nobody Wants To Admit
They are characterized as heartless, but really, they are just trying to find their hearts. They are known for being singularly determined to build a big life, but they are really just trying to have a good one.
45 Married Couples Give Advice To Young Couples Deep In Puppy Love
Try to be mad at a behavior, not at your partner.
Why You’re Jealous Of Each Zodiac (And Why You Shouldn’t Be)
CANCER: You assume their life is perfect because they never complain about anything, but really, they internalize all of their pain because they don’t want to be a burden to their loved ones.
This Is How You Heal Your Deepest Trauma And Finally Start To Live Your Life Again
You can begin to use your body to help you heal.
Why July Has Sucked So Far, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
CANCER: Whenever it seems like you’re about to get a break, more and more responsibilities keep falling onto your lap.
Which Horror Movie Would You Make It Out Of Alive?
Do you think you’d survive longer than the characters on screen?
50 Powerful Lines From Fictional Characters That Will Speak To Soft Hearts
“There’s no geographical solution to a spiritual problem.”
What Each Zodiac Sign Has Been Doing Right In Their Relationships
LIBRA: You’re an optimist. You see the best in people. You don’t let their flaws taint your view of them.
How To Tell She’s Losing Interest, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius: She’s stopped nagging you and stopped arguing with you. She doesn’t care enough to fight anymore.
30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person
A SO is similar to a dog. No one in the world will be as happy as when you come home, or you when you see each other out. They will feel entitled to your food, but that’s okay because you love them. They give you warm cuddles, but my god do they get toasty in the bed and it seems no matter how far away you try to get, they get close to cuddle you again.
How Your Boyfriend Acts Differently When He’s Alone With You (Based On His Zodiac)
ARIES: When he’s alone with you, he drops the DGAF act and is honest about his thoughts and emotions.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Feels Like They Have No Friends
You’ve lost touch with people from high school and haven’t made any new friends since then.
How Each Zodiac Sign Flirts When They’re Drunk
CANCER: You get mushy and try to cuddle — or at least hold hands.
50 People Admit What Scares Them About Themselves
I’m really critical about every single mistake I make. I could think about something for weeks and previously years/months. I used to shut down at little things, but I’ve been growing and I’ve been teaching myself that mistakes are something to learn from.
30 Basic Things Doctors Wish You Realized About Your Own Body
Ejaculating blood happens to most people at least once in their lives and in 99% of cases it resolves without taking any action within a week. It doesn’t even warrant a doctor visit.
39 Harsh ‘Truths’ That Are Going To Make You Wish You Picked ‘Dare’
How much porn do you watch?