January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
The Most Horrifying Thing Happened On My Flight Home From South Carolina
I popped a few allergy pills throughout the week, which helped my running nose, but it didn’t do much for my unsettled stomach. Maybe I was going to get my period early, but it didn’t feel like the same sensation. This felt heavy, like something was weighing down my insides.
What Matters Most To Him In A Relationship, Based On His Zodiac Sign
What is his top priority?
30 Bro Code Rules Your Boyfriend Is Never Going To Break
Your bro’s sisters, exes, aunts, and mother are all off limits. Period.
35 Horrifying Uber Stories That Will Make You Want To Drive Your Own Car
My Uber was new to the area and attempted to drive down a rail road track.
50 Things You Shouldn’t Say To A Depressed Person Unless You Want To Lose Them As A Friend
It’s because your relationship with God is weak.
One Word To Describe August 2019, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
How is this summer treating you?
30 Board Games To Play With Your Boyfriend On Rainy Date Nights
Mysterium is a HUGE hit among my gaming circles. It’s like modern day Clue, but you’re the dead person and the players are all psychics trying to solve your murder.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Has Lost Their Sense Of Adventure
GEMINI: You’re worried about changing your schedule, about leaving your comfort zone, about taking risks.
How To Tell When Each Zodiac Sign Wants You To Leave Them The Hell Alone
Sometimes, silence is the answer.
Why Some People Never Outgrow Their Childish Behaviors And End Up Completely Unhappy In Life
Something that you don’t learn about life until it’s often too late is that growth is not inevitable, it’s optional.
33 Paranormal Stories Even Skeptics Are Going To Freak Out Over
Every single time that my father took photos of us there, a strange face appeared above my little sister and so he got scared and never brought us there again.
How You Know You’ve Pissed Off Your Girlfriend, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
You better be careful, because you don’t want to see her upset.
50 Surprising Benefits To Getting Fit That Will Motivate You To Hit The Gym
The biggest benefit is the energy you have. If you have energy you don’t need naps, you can get up earlier in the day and accomplish more. It also comes with an increased sense of well-being and self worth.
50 Hilarious Responses When Someone Knocks On Your Bathroom Stall
It’s already a bit crowded in here but you’re welcome to join.
30 Medieval Pickup Lines To Prove You’re Her Knight In Shining Armor
On a scale of one to ten, you’re a baker’s dozen.
What Sex With Him Is Going To Be Like The First Time, Based On His Zodiac Sign
What can you expect from him?
50 Hilarious Dad Jokes Your Friends Are Going To Hate You For Making
I haven’t been to the gym in so long I’ve gone back to calling it James.
What’s Stopping You From Asking Out The Guy You Like, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Maybe you should make the first move…