January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
16 Not So Little Things You Probably Forget To Thank Your Significant Other For
For being someone who you vent to, not someone you have to vent about.
15 Unromantic Ways You Know Someone Really Loves You
They don’t think your imperfections are deal-breakers.
16 Things People Who Respect Themselves Do Differently While Dating
They ask people on dates, not to “hang out.” There’s a difference. There’s a big difference.
What Each Zodiac Sign Does When They’re Secretly Unhappy In A Relationship
Libras are the lovers of the zodiac, but they’re also workaholics.
What Each Zodiac Sign Acts Like When They’re Secretly Falling In Love
Capricorn: They’re asking questions about the future. Capricorns are planners, and want to be grounded at all times.
Instagram’s Favorite Couple May Have Broken Up, And People Are Freaking Out
Do fans have a right to know the status of a relationship? Is it right for them to demand insight and understanding if they are the same people supporting a couple and helping them to make money by watching their monetized videos, increasing their popularity, and essentially fuelling their ability to have the lifestyles they so actively promote?
20 Little Facts About Social Intelligence That Well-Liked People Know
The fastest way to get anybody to like you is to be interested in them.
What Each Of The Zodiac Cusp Signs Are Best Known For
People born between Sagittarius and Capricorn are the true thought leaders of the world. They are both optimistic and practical, and effortlessly combine big dreams with realistic plans to see them to fruition.
Here’s What Your Ex Still Misses About You, Based On Your Attachment Style
Disorganized. What your ex misses most about you is your inner strength: you’ve seen dark times, but you’re better for them.
17 Differences Between A ‘Lover’ And A ‘Life Partner’
You don’t think about it as much as you live it – overthinking a relationship is what happens when you have to dig for proof that it’s not doomed.
15 Personality Traits That Strongly Predict Your Romantic Future
You have goals for your life that you desire just as much as you do a romantic relationship.
Here’s Why You’re Actually Unhappy With Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces have an intense need to be understood, and at the same time, often feel as though they are not. The best way for them to express themselves is by creating something, be it art or writing or even a business.
What Each Attachment Style Has Trouble Admitting To Themselves
Secure: Love requires risk.
The Top Relationship Deal-Breaker For Each Attachment Style
Anxiously attached people thrive in relationships that feel “safe,” as that’s when they can really open up and be themselves.
Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Attachment Style
Anxious: You’re the intense girlfriend. You don’t do “casual dating.” You need to know where you stand. Once you fall for someone, you fall hard, and you have a really hard time detaching.
16 Signs Your Ex Was Overly Dependent, In A Toxic Way
They were obsessed with you and just a handful of other people. Their social interactions were mainly composed of others they were dependent on.
15 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl Who Refuses To Pretend She Has It All Together
She won’t give up so easily. She doesn’t associate perfection with the ability to be loved, which means she’s also capable of being genuinely intimate.
What You Need To Do Before You’ll Find Your Life Partner, Based On Your Attachment Style
Anxious — Accept that pain is part of life, and it’s especially part of a life well-lived. You’re going to have to risk being hurt if you want a chance at really being loved.