Jane Drinkard

A Brooklyn girl at college in L.A. Committed to travel and understanding people.
Articles by
Jane Drinkard
Here’s What Snapchat Filter You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign
The “pretty filter” captures a Scorpio woman’s mysterious, often unattainable, vibe.
17 Realizations You Are Guaranteed To Have When You Delete Snapchat
Picture messages via text take FOREVER to deliver.
The Slang Term You’re Most Likely To Use, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Leo’s will throw a huge party and then humorously (or narcissistically) refer to it as totally “lit”.
21 People On The One Terrible Piece Of Advice They’re Glad They Never Followed
When my dad told me to ‘play the field.’ No thanks.
20 American Ads That Prove The ‘Good Old Days’ Never Existed
Anybody who talks about how good the “good old days” were, either has a bad memory or wasn’t there!
Here Are The Deadly Micro-Mistakes Your S.O.’s Parents Will Judge You On Forever
Bringing your cleavage to the party. Your S.O might appreciate it but their parents won’t.
This Is How You Argue, According To Your Zodiac Sign
‘Did you really just say that?’ is a common thought for someone to think while arguing with a Sagittarius.
Here Are The 7 Emotional Stages Of Your First Scuba Diving Experience
I fell in love with the cerulean ceiling on one of my first dives.
17 People Reveal The Weird Things They Do Only When They’re Alone With Their S.O.
“My boyfriend pretends like he’s using an imaginary fork and knife and takes slices out of my butt.”
5 Myths About Adulthood That You Sincerely Believed When You Were A Kid
I assumed that magically when I turned twenty my taste buds would radically change and all of a sudden salad and broccoli would start to taste like snickers.
20 People Reveal Their ‘Micro Turn-Ons’: The Strange Little Things They Find Hot
“When a girl who wears glasses looks above the glasses when looking at something up-close”
20 Things I Wish My Mom Already Knew Without Me Having To Tell Her
I’m not crazy about Joni Mitchell.
This Is The Color You Need To Surround Yourself With, According To Your Birthday
Color— scientifically defined as the visible spectrum of wavelengths of light that we are able to perceive—is also defined by its ability to make us feel, create and recognize ourselves and others.