23 Obese People Reveal The Struggles Only They Can Understand

18. Profile pictures

As a girl, online dating is awful. You’re tempted to put up your most flattering picture but then people feel tricked when they meet you. If you’re honest about your weight, people assume you’re desperate enough for company that you’ll have sex right away.

19. Major assumptions

The assumption that I as a fat woman can only date fat men. Once I was at the grocery store with my boyfriend who is pretty thin and met an acquaintance. I started trying to introduce my boyfriend who was standing right next to me and the acquaintance turns to a fat man standing 5 feet away on the other side of the aisle and introduces herself. The guy gave her a WTF? look and when I corrected her she said she would never have guessed that.

Also, people assume that I won’t like fruit and vegetables. I got fat by enjoying food, not by being a picky eater.

20. #TheStruggleIsReal

1. Buying clothes. Shirts or pants, it doesn’t matter. I love shopping for socks.

2. Inner thigh chafing. The struggle is real.

3. Eating/ordering food. It doesn’t even matter where you are, people will look at you. Sometimes people don’t and I love them.

4. Talking and walking at the same time. This can become annoying for a long distance if the person you’re with walks fast.

5. Sweating. Fat people either smell really bad or really good (because we are aware and love deodorant)

6. People, in general, treat you worse. Most aren’t bad, but they’re nicer to other people. I’ve seen this happen, someone will be serving a regular person in front of me and will be smiling, and it will disappear as soon as I move to the front of the line.


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