Heather Hailey

Articles by
Heather Hailey
14 Awesome Songs To Boost Your Sexy Time
Driver roll up the partition please.
Why Is Cum Hot But Pee Is Not?
Your fetish is your fetish, and the last thing I want to do is make fun of people for what turns them on.
Dear Heather: My Straight Boyfriend Wants Me To Use A Strap-On
My boyfriend recently told me he wants me to do him with a strap on. In general I’m a pretty open-minded person, but I’ve never had a guy ask for this before. Should I be worried?
11 Ways To Be Sexier In 60 Seconds
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1JPKLa-Ofc&w=584&h=390%5D 1. Feel Confident. It may seem like a cliché to some, but feeling confident is the fastest way to unlock your inner sex god.
The First Guy You Like After A Break Up
You’ll know your feelings for this guy are genuine — that he’s not simply a rebound — because a rebound is someone you run to just so you don’t have to sleep alone at night.
The 10 Different Types Of Dicks
There is no excuse for a dick that makes you go Eew. NONE.
20 Things Rich White Girls Love More Than Anything
5. Rich white girls love free, unpaid internships in the fashion industry. I can’t tell you how many girls I’ve interviewed for internships at the magazine who tell me “Fashion is my passion.”