Dear Heather: My Straight Boyfriend Wants Me To Use A Strap-On

Dear Heather — I’ve been seeing this guy for a few weeks now and we’re still very much in that period where we’re having sex pretty much all the time. All is good there and I really like him, too. The thing is, he recently told me that he wants me to do him with a strap on. I generally think of myself as a pretty open-minded person, but for some reason I feel confused and I’ve never had a guy ask me to do him with a strap-on before. Should I be worried? Is he gay and he just doesn’t know it yet? Thanks! GLASSCOCK, Portland, Oregon.


First of all, I’m so glad you’re having these sorts of open sex conversations with your boyfriend and so early on in your relationship. Bravo! I think most people are more likely to keep their kinky sex fetishes (like Nasolingus — look it up or, better, don’t) from us until we are already deep into the relationship, and when they start to feel as though their sexual needs aren’t being fulfilled, that’s when the cheating starts.

If you’re as open-minded as you say, GLASSCOCK, I say go for it! Men shouldn’t be the ones having all the fun shoving their penises in us all the time. It is high time we fight back — with glass cocks! Kidding, kidding. But yes, I do think you should try it. What’s there to lose? Sex should always be about exploration, and you might really come to like doing your partner with a strap-on.

Plus, you should use this chance to think about the one thing you’d really like him to do to you. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours type of thing.

As for the whole “is he gay” bit, GLASSCOCK, I can’t decide your boyfriend’s sexual orientation for him, but I do think people should stop linking anal pleasure to gay sex. If you walked up to a straight guy and put a finger in his anus he would 100% like it because there are a lot of nerve endings down there. You would graze his prostate, which is how he orgasms anyway.

Just because a guy likes anal penetration — either penetrating you anally or you penetrating him — that doesn’t mean he’s gay. What it makes him is a little bit kinky, and I congratulate you on finding someone so fun! Seriously, who wants to have sex that isn’t a least a little out of the box?


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Heather Hailey

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