Emily Mizuuchi

I’m an Interpreter/Translator currently living in Tokyo.
Sometimes, I like to write down my thoughts.
Articles by
Emily Mizuuchi
Don’t Be Afraid To Tell Someone Your Feelings
Showing your feelings to someone does not mean your weak or vulnerable, it means that you’re human.
I’m A ‘Ride Or Die’ Kind Of Girl—So Modern Dating Won’t Do It For Me
I’m a ride or die type kind of chick so modern dating doesn’t work for me.
There’s Nothing Wrong With The Scars On Your Heart
Our heart is always the last one to leave the fight.
Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?
You got to believe everything that happens in life, happens for a reason.
Why You Can Totally Change Your Life (Even In Your 30s)
I’m definitely determined.
What You Need To Remember When The One You Loved Leaves
Maybe you won’t be able to forget that person for a very long time but don’t feel bad about it because they were a big part of your life.
Here’s How You Can Actually Stay Fit While Still Eating Whatever You Want
When you don’t get sufficient sleep in the night, the production of hormones/leptin which suppress appetite decreases, which will make your body easy to gain weight.
There’s A New Dating Trend Known As ‘Breadcrumbing’
People don’t want to be in a real relationship because it takes a lot of energy and effort, but people still crave attention. They want to be able to flirt and text. No strings attached.