A Brand New Stephen King Movie Will Soon Be Streaming On Netflix

2017 has been a great year for horror and it’s getting even better. Still to come this year is the highly anticipated remake of Murder on the Orient Express and the third Cloverfield installment, God Particle. Stephen King fans, in particular, have cause to celebrate as It broke box office records opening at $117 million in a year that also saw King’s Gunslinger series make it onto the big screen.

At the end of this month (September 29) Netflix will release another King adaptation, Gerald’s Game as a feature length movie on its streaming service. Gerald’s Game is a 1992 suspense novel centering around a woman (Jessie) who becomes trapped when she accidentally kills her husband (Gerald) while handcuffed to a bed at the couple’s secluded cabin in the Maine wilderness. What’s unique about the story (and especially hard to adapt into film) is that all the action takes place while Jessie is handcuffed to the bed. There are no scene changes or reprieve from her horror.

Here is the trailer for Gerald’s Game:

I can’t wait to watch it! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Emily Madriga

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