Dr. Dakota Fox

Articles by
Dr. Dakota Fox
24 Ways You Can Come Off As The ‘Creepy Girl’ (As Told By 24 Men)
This one girl got my number and texted me everyday for a couple of weeks, saying “Hey” or “Hiiii” or some variation of it.
27 Doctors And Nurses Describe The Exact Moment They Realized Their Patient Was An Idiot
You can’t cure stupid.
20 Stories Of The Worst Roommates EVER (Told By The 20 People Who Had To Live With Them)
She gets really upset when I ask her to mop the floors that have her new puppy’s shit smeared all over. And I mean ALL OVER. Posts Facebook statuses like “I should really stop being so nice” when I address these problems politely.
16 People Reveal The Dark Secret They Know About Someone Else (But Will NEVER Tell)
“I found the dick pics my (now) son-in-law sent my daughter. She had backed up her computer to an external hard drive and didn’t realize they went, too.”
This Guy’s Creepy-Ass Photo Has The Entire Internet Arguing About What The F*ck It Is
Nobody can seem to agree on what this is.
20 Guys Ask The Super Inappropriate Questions They Really Want Girls To Answer
“Does it make you uncomfortable when guys check you out while wearing leggings?”
24 Not Easily Spooked People Talk About The Creepy Event That They Still Can’t Explain Today
Some of these might have some explanation. Others absolutely do not.
This Psychiatric Nurse Had No Idea That During Group Therapy One Of Her Patients Would Reveal A Murder
For a period of time, the mother was working with a young boy was was committed to the hospital by his parents for being “trouble” and “violent.” But what the kid revealed, she could absolutely not ignore.
11 Television Cameramen Tell Their Behind-The-Scenes Stories You Don’t Want To Hear
On the way to an interview the producer, who wrote his interview questions in the car on the way over, kept talking about how he had to make this woman cry. “They love it upstairs when you can make them cry,” he said. “It’s the gold ring.”
15 People Reveal Their God-Awful Hospital Experiences With Doctors And Nurses From Hell
These stories are nuts!
Kansas Mother Starves Son To Death, Feeds His Remains To Pigs To Hide The Crime
This whole story is horrifying.
11 People Share The Greatest Heartbreak They’ve Experienced In Their Entire Life
These stories will make your heart cry.
15 Real Drivers Tell Spooky Tales From The Road That’ll Freak You Out Beyond Belief
I hope none of these happen to you…
19 Drivers Who Once Picked Up A Hitchhiker Explain How EVERYTHING Went Wrong
Well there was this old dude wandering out on the highway and I figured, “What’s an old dude who’s limping around gonna do to me?” Turns out rob me at gun point, that’s what.
10 Disturbingly Freaky Last Words From Pilots Who Were Seconds Away From Crashing To Their Deaths
Did they know they were about to die?
10 Terminally Ill People Talk About What They Are Doing In Their Last Days
In an almost surreal fashion, these ten terminally ill people shared their experiences with life, death, and dying. Some of them are still with us, some of them have since passed away, but all their stories are tremendously moving.
30 Natives Explain The Creepiest Urban Legend In Their Country
There is so much secret evil in our world.