Christopher Hudspeth
Drop Everything And Watch Donald Glover’s Short Film
“Clapping for the Wrong Reasons”
20 Signs You’re A Stereotypical White Girl
1. You love Starbucks as much, if not more than your least favorite family member.
16 Things People Complain About Way Too Often
1. Slow, but FREE Wi-Fi.
25 Signs Someone Is A Real, True Friend
15. Your interaction naturally begins and ends with casual insults the majority of the time.
The Differences Between Shy, Introverted, Extroverted And Obnoxious
Created by an introvert and an extrovert.
25 Things Everybody Should Try Doing Alone
8. Practicing stupid things that you’re too embarrassed to rehearse in front of friends, but would happily show off once mastered. E.g. Moonwalking or the cup song from Pitch Perfect.
10 Things Most Guys Don’t Even Notice About Women
5. You noticing them, staring at your boobs.
20 Awesome, Little Known ‘Breaking Bad’ Facts
4. The classic, blue Breaking Bad meth was visible in a scene of The Walking Dead. Specifically in Daryl Dixon’s bag of pre-apocalypse acquired drugs.
11 Things 20-Somethings Will Regret Wasting So Much Time On
1. Staring hypnotized at screens as you watch looping Vines & GIFs for a second, third, fourth, fiftieth time.
10 Awesome, Go-To Songs For Waking Up In The Morning
Let the greatness of the Space Jam soundtrack live on in your a.m. regiment, taking the wheel of your weak, exhausted body.
5 Awesome Ways To Feel Sorry For Yourself
1. Daydream about what would happen if you died.
12 Obnoxiously Awful Social Norms
5. The misconception that silence = awkward.
10 Facts Worth Knowing About Sleep
Being awake for 17-19 straight hours declines your performance to lesser than or equal to a person with a blood alcohol level of 0.05%.
Good Flirting Vs. Bad Flirting: A Photo Guide
A gentle elbow touch.
25 Wise, Philosophical Quotes From Disney Movies
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. The Emperor of China, Mulan
How To Handle A Scary Bug That’s Terrorizing Your Home In 7 Simple Steps
Seriously, whatever you do, DON’T LOSE SIGHT OF THE BUG.
9 Facts Worth Knowing About Human Attraction
7. Hungry men tend to favor heavier women.
20 Moments That Make 20-Somethings Feel Old (Even Though They’re Not)
5. Scrolling down so, so far to reach your year of birth when filling out forms online.