Chrissy Stockton
Why Are Liberals Such Prudes?
What happened guys? You used to be cool.
50 Fascinating, Little-Known Facts About Horror Movies
It took about a year to get the iconic shot in where blood pours out of the elevator in The Shining.
15 Quick, Simple Reasons You’re Still Single (And What To Do About It)
You can guard your heart and not get hurt again, or you can be vulnerable and experience love. You cannot do both, so you have a choice to make.
25 Little-Known Facts About The Freemasons
A man named William Morgan was rejected from the masons in the 1800s. He pitched and received a large advance to then publish a book revealing their secrets. He disappeared and was never seen or heard from again.
50 People On ‘The Most Intellectual Joke I Know’
A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are out hunting. The biologist shoots at a deer and misses 5ft to the left, the chemist takes a shot and misses 5ft to the right, the statistician yells “We got ’em!”
50 Of The Most Scandalous, Weird, And Bizarre Historical Facts You Didn’t Know
Betsy Ross had girls sleep with enemies during the revolutionary war to gain intel. (Pretty much ran a brothel).
The 39 Most Ridiculous Religous Facebook Status Updates, Ever
The best (er… worst?) of religious people on Facebook.
7 Things To Tell Yourself When You Feel Bad About Being Single
When you are married you’ve reached the end of the story, at least in our faulty cultural understanding of how your life is supposed to work. When you are single, anything can happen.
50 People On ‘The Most WTF Thing Someone Did While Hooking Up’
When i lost my v-card. He cried in fetal position then got up and proposed. I nervously smiled and hugged him. We went to sleep. Never spoke of it again.
Social Justice Porn
The deep, forgiving cushion of your favorite armchair as you sink in to change the world via the Macbook warming your lap. The inviting “like” button on status updates from area non-profits.
50 People On ‘The Creepy Story I Could Never Fully Explain’
When I was 14 I took the garbage out after dark.. it was 7:30pm.. I had literally just checked the clock before I went outside and when I got back inside it was 10pm. I lost 2.5 hours without noticing it and have no idea what happened.
50 People On ‘The One Story That Gives Me The Chills To This Day’
“He sits up, looks over her shoulder, and sees what she’s doing, still in her sleep: loading his revolver.”
60 Women On “What I Was Doing When I Was Called A Slut”
“I was called a slut for being a woman out at night.”
50 People On ‘The Secret My Company Doesn’t Want The Public To Know’
“The recycle bins at Seaworld also just get emptied into the dumpster. They are just there to make the visitors feel better.”
25 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Sex Questions People Actually Had To Ask On Yahoo! Answers
“How old do you have to be until you grow your condom?”
30 Awesome Book Dedications That Might Be Better Than The Actual Book
I dedicate this book to George W. Bush, my Commander-in-Chief, whose impressive career advancement despite remedial language skills inspired me to believe that I was capable of authoring a book.
50 People On ‘The Darkest, Creepiest True Story That Terrifies Me To This Day’
I was childhood friends with a murderer.
50 People On ‘The Time I Met A Celeb And They Acted Like A Total Weirdo’
I worked at Blockbuster video a few years ago, and I got to tell Al Gore that he owed us 1.50 because he returned “I Love You Man” late.