Chrissy Stockton
Dark Jokes: 22 Funny (But Depressing) Jokes
Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?
6 Helpful Tips For Interacting With Minnesotans
When inviting a Minnesotan over for dinner, it’s common practice for them to refuse twice, to test out whether you are “just being nice” or are genuinely interested in their company.
49 Absolutely Stunning Sylvia Plath Quotes
So I began to think maybe it was true that when you were married and had children it was like being brainwashed, and afterward you went about as numb as a slave in some private, totalitarian state.
50 Craigslist Meet Ups You’re Really Glad You Weren’t A Part Of
“Hey man, don’t come. I was just going to rob you, but I heard some kids in the background when we were talking on the phone.”
The 10 Most Binge-Watchable Shows On Netflix
SVU is the foundation upon which binge watching has been built.
16 Terrifying Encounters With ‘The Black Eyed Kids’
“When I woke up i looked outside and she was gone, but the word “soon” was scratched weakly into the door.”
5 Adorable Kids (That Were Cold-Blooded Killers)
These two 10-year-old boys kidnapped, tortured, and killed a 2-year-old they found waiting for his mother outside a store in the mall.
9 Fun Games To Play Alone On A Friday Night That Are Totally Not Pathetic At All
How Many Cats Can I Look At On The Internet?
16 Beauty Secrets I Learned Working For A High End Skin Care Brand
Pro tip: when you’re in specialty stores, ask the sales people what their favorite products are.
61 Quotes That Will Make You Feel Beautiful
“People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder.”
50 Grisly, True Stories That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You
“I fall right back to sleep–however long later, I wake up AGAIN out of a dead sleep and see a mangled, bloodied man standing at the end of my bed with his head crooked to one side.”
The Trait Facebook Says Determines How Long Your Relationship Will Last
Where the people didn’t exhibit this trait, the relationships were likely to end.
21 Creepy Wikipedia Pages That Will Have You Locking Your Doors Tonight
Known as ‘Dr. Henry Howard Holmes,’ this guy built a hotel specifically as a playhouse for him to murder people in. He is suspected of murdering up to 200 people.
50 People On ‘The Most Important Unwritten Rule Of Sex’
The real key to the whole experience is enthusiasm. I horny 5 is way more exciting than a bored 10.
15 Women Give Their Non-Creepy Tips To Pick Them Up
You’d be surprised how a guy just simply being nice is refreshing. Comment on the book she’s reading. “Great book, right?” with a smile would do wonders.
9 Ways To Rock A Party Where You Don’t Know Anyone
This is a little trick for people who are really shy or introverted. Offer to help the host, they almost always need a little last minute help.
10 Things I Learned From A High End Prostitute
What women REALLY want in a man.