Call For Submissions — Working Girls

The Devil Wears Prada

I love it when women talk about their jobs. I LOVE it.

So many of our answers to “what’s new?” revolve around what a woman’s partner is doing or how her kids are doing, or things about the other people in her life — work is an area of a woman’s life that belongs solely to her. It’s not about the people around her, it can’t be. I want to publish more articles written by women talking about what they love (or don’t love) about their career. How did you get your cool job? What unconventional advice has worked for you? Do you think the pay gap is real? What would you tell other women about success?

If you’re interested in writing about career issues for women, millennials, creatives, corporate bitches, whatever — send them to me at — and I’ll take articles from men too, obviously.

If you’re just interested in this subject stay tuned, but here’s a few of my favorite career-focused Thought Catalog articles for now:

25 Rules For Living From A (Semi-)Successful 26-Year-Old

12 Things All Women Must Do If They Want To Succeed

5 Business Lessons I Learned From Being On MTV

Don’t Go To Grad School

3 Ways To Get Yourself Onto The Unconventional Career Path

10 Things I’ve Learned From Being A Female Reporter In The Male Dominated World Of Sports

Choose Sex Over Money

10 Young People On How They Landed Their Awesome Jobs Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chrissy Stockton

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