Chrissy Stockton
11 Things Every College Student Should Check Off Their Bucket List Before They Graduate
1. Do something naked.
17 Ways You Know You Have A High-Quality Best Friend
They would never, ever, let your birthday pass without making a big deal out of it. Even if you offer up a humble “I don’t really feel like making a big deal about it this year.”
11 Things That Happen When Your BFF Is An Overthinker
They appreciate you endlessly for your ability to say, “you’re overthinking it, you don’t have to worry about it.”
Why Best Friends Are The Weirdest People In The World
Your best friend is the person you can confess your deepest fear to as well as your second deepest fear: that the population at large will discover the thing you fear most is accidentally hitting ‘like’ when you are a year and a half deep into your crush’s Instagram.
10 Ways You Know You’re The Kind Of Man Women Respect
3. You aren’t a yes man.
13 Sweet Perks Of Not Having Any Kids
It costs $234,900 to raise a child until it’s 18 (and that’s just if you make under 100k to begin with).
10 Old-Fashioned Clothing Habits We Need To Bring Back
Dresses on women, suits on men.
Does The Party Stop For Single Women Over 30?
It’s a really great time to be a woman.
Call For Submissions — Working Girls
Work is an area of a woman’s life that belongs solely to her.
Something Has Been Lurking In My Backyard For Awhile, And It’s Outside Now While I Write This
Lately though, the noises have been louder, the thuds have been more frequent.
13 Ways You Know Someone Won’t Be Single For Long
2. They smell good, look you in the eyes while speaking, and are slightly more touchy than most.
13 Ways To Identify A 20-Something That Has Their Sh*t Together
When something in your life isn’t working, you change it.
13 Things That Happen When You Grow Up With A Mom Who’s A Nurse
3. You learned that toughness is a vital part of femininity.
17 Brutal Realities Of Being A College Student In 2014
You literally have no idea what you are doing. Yet you need to make decisions that impact the rest of your life all the freaking time.
13 Things That Will Happen When You Get Ready To Go Out With Your Girlfriends
2. You take selfies. And then you take group selfies. And then you take a vote on which is the most worthy of going on Instagram.
50 Fun, Cheap Dates (That Aren’t Netflix)
38. Buy the ingredients for you to both make variations of the same dish and have a cooking competition.
17 Dog Quotes For People Who Love Dogs
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. Ben Williams Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe.
13 Things You Learn When You Embrace Your Inner Bad Bitch
1. It’s okay to be afraid. It’s not okay to let fear stop you from doing what you want to do.