Chrissy Stockton
Here’s What Kind Of Crazy Ex You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
A Sagittarius is the kind of crazy ex who never mentions the breakup ever again, like a complete psycho.
The Freakiest Thing You Are Willing To Do In Bed, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorns are the real prudes of the zodiac.
17 Men Discuss What Makes Them Miss Their Ex After A Breakup
“I thought I wanted freedom, and I do 6 days a week. But Sunday nights, man. I miss her.”
8 Reasons It’s Always The Most Perceptive People Who Have Trouble Sleeping
An overactive brain doesn’t know what ‘bedtime’ means.
33 Illuminating (And Savage) Details I Learned Reading The OJ Simpson ‘I Did It’ Book
Eerily, OJ says “Given the right circumstances, I guess anyone is capable of murder.”
Here’s Why You’re The Black Sheep Of Your Family, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces tend to be total outcasts from their families because they are sensitive, artistic souls who prefer to be alone and don’t need the approval of those around them. Their families just don’t “get” them.
100 Ways To Get Over A Guy
Maybe the point of dating him wasn’t to find lasting love. Maybe the point of dating him was to show how capable of love you are.
The Problem Isn’t That He Loves You Less, It’s That You Expect Him To Love You The Same Way You Love Him
You deserve better than to love someone who doesn’t love you back. But you also deserve better than to love someone who does.
Here Are All The Reasons Jojo Will Make A Way Better ‘Bachelorette’ Than Caila
Jojo as the bachelorette means an entire season of cute Jojo outfits we get to creep on.
Here’s Exactly What Would Happen To You In A Horror Movie, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
TBH a Leo would probably end up being the killer. They are smart and creative enough to pull it off, and they’d love the attention that came with their extremely infamous death.
The Type Of Person Who’s Attracted To You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The people who are attracted to Sagittarius people crave someone who can make them laugh. They know that Sagittarius is not only the funniest sign in the zodiac but that they are incredible friends and partners as well.
17 Signs You’re What’s Known As An ‘Indigo Child’
Indigo children are identified because they are born with more empathy than past generations. At times, they can feel like they’re a totally different species because unlike so many other people, they can’t compartmentalize their feelings.
Ranking The Women Of The Bachelor’s ‘Women Tell All’ By How Depressing They Seem
If I ever (even jokingly) aspire to marry my baby off to a software salesman from Indiana end my life pls. This is very creepy!!!!
The Telltale Sign You *Really* Like Someone, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Sagittarians always show love through laughter.
19 Songs To Listen To When You Are So F*cking Over The Way Someone Treats You
You get to a point in every relationship, romantic or otherwise, where the idea of leaving is suddenly less scary than the idea of putting up with being walked on like this indefinitely.
Ranking The Women On This Season Of ‘The Bachelor’: Someone Is About To Be In A World Of Pain
Jojo thinks it’s game over.
Here’s What You Need To Cut Out Of Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
To grow, a Gemini needs to let go of the guilt they hang on to about being fickle.