Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
6 Irritating Things That People With Tattoos Love To Do
Any time you modify your body, you accept that someone else might not like it. And that might include the hiring manager at Starbucks.
18 Struggles Of Being A Nice Person In The Body Of A Sarcastic Jerk
You have a “grown-up” personality for things like meeting people’s parents or going on job interviews, and sometimes your voice changes like two whole octaves. You’re like Christian Bale slipping seamlessly into his role as a totally nice, sincere person.
This Music Video Is Creepy And Disturbing (And Ridiculously Addictive)
It’s weird, but in that totally addictive, I-can’t-stop-watching-it way.
12 Brutally Honest Q&As With One Single And One Coupled 20-Something
In the interest of science, we decided to sit down and ask each other a few brutally honest questions (and give some real answers). Here, the results.
16 Specific Emotions Every Socially Awkward Person Has Experienced
1. When you make plans to do something totally un-fun — such as help someone move or drive them to the airport — weeks in advance, and become increasingly panicked as you feel the date approach, and almost kind of…
6 Specific Types Of Women That I’m Irrationally Jealous Of
She rides the train with a book in hand, and no matter how packed it gets, no one is going to get between her and her reading time.
6 Professions That Produce The Worst Boyfriends
One, it’s likely that they are in their late 20s/early 30s and still paying upwards of 50k a year for the privilege of providing indentured servant labor for a private university.
7 Reasons Yoga Girls Are The Most Terrifying People At The Gym
They are more intimidating than any grunting muscle bro, and I am filled with a terrified respect when I cross their path on my way to sweat it out on the elliptical in my promotional t-shirt.
21 Types Of Female Underwear And What They Really Mean
“I bought these thinking “Oh, how cuuuute” but then never wear them.”
23 Truths About Body Image That Everyone Has To Deal With
Eating clean (or vegan, or paleo, or gluten-free, or raw) doesn’t make you better than anyone else. We all have to find our way to feed ourselves well, and our food choices should not be a status symbol.
This Man’s Dead Girlfriend Has Been Messaging Him On Facebook And He Can’t Explain Why
I would get notifications for them, but the tag would generally always be removed by the time I got to it. The first time I actually caught one, it felt like someone had punched me in the gut.
Why I Hate Skinny Girls
Sure, they might see a snide comment on Instagram about how no one eats donuts and maintains a thigh gap, but at the end of the day, every cultural object of beauty has their body, and their proportions.
13 Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy In Their Mid-20s
This stuff is gross and people drink it so that passerby will think that they are healthy and fit and trim.
19 Questions I Would Like To Ask Sephora
Could someone please answer these?
7 Women’s Clothing Stores And The Person You Become When You’re In Them
Your life careened severely off the rails at some unspecified point, and you are not quite sure how you ended up here. Everything is a blur of Keebler cookie crumbs, plus-sized wrap sweaters in aggressive shades of purple, and regret.
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Moved To A New City
Colleagues melt into happy hour buddies, gym acquaintances are good for a smoothie run, and old classmates who now live in the city are always good to grab brunch with and spend a few hours catching up.
17 Things That A Modern Gentleman Would Never Do
Text a girl with the words “hey u up?” No. No, we are not up. No, we are not interested in answering your six-letter text message at 12:37 AM.
6 American Habits That Seem Insane After You’ve Lived Abroad
The idea of just “eating a little bit of everything, exercising moderation, and focusing on fresh/local ingredients where possible” is just not possible: It has to be dangerous overeating or crash dieting.