Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

Your 20s Aren’t An Excuse To Be A Hot, Selfish Mess

You know it. Everyone knows it. It’s the perpetually chaotic, I’m-in-a-committed-relationship-with-mozzarella-sticks-and-Netflix brand of extended adolescence, wherein all of us live on the constant verge of total financial and personal collapse because we keep eight dollars in our checking accounts and refuse to maintain our personal relationships because of our #IntrovertLifestyle.

13 Disturbing Things You Start Seeing On Facebook At 25

Young moms who only communicate in the form of sharing inspirational videos about rescue dogs and/or articles about how tough it is to be a mom that they tag all of their mom friends in and are like “Only you guys will get this tee hee!”

21 “Beautiful Girl Habits” Every Girl Should Adopt

When it comes to makeup, think in terms of “grooming/enhancing” and not “covering/changing.” We all have qualities that we can be playing up, and focusing on the basics (good skin, nice brows, lightly enhanced eyes/lips) just makes us a better version of ourselves (instead of someone else entirely).