27 People On Their Most Embarrassing Guilty Pleasure

15. dickfore

I get bad bloody noses in the shower occasionally … as in the blood is almost a continuous stream. I gather a pool of it in my hands and either drip it over myself or make bloody hand streaks on the walls. There’s just something so fascinating about seeing your own blood like that.

16. nancylikestoreddit

When no one is around and I’m having a dull day, I like to suddenly scream, “CHARMANDER CHAAAARRRRR!!” and then get on with whatever it is I’m doing.

17. budgie93

The Gilmore Girls. Fuck I love that show. I used to watch it in bed in the morning during the summer and if my mom came in, I’d quickly change channels to make it look as if I’d been watching something entirely different, as if I’d been watching porn.


Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

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