27 People On Their Most Embarrassing Guilty Pleasure

7. Golden_Goal

Picking a massive booger and getting it in one go.

8. sn1p3rb8

Or when you pick one and it turns out to be a long stringing one that was waaaaaay up in your sinuses and you pull it out, and you can feel it for like 5 seconds.

9. javelin1814

Fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda. I’m black. It’s so stereotypical I just can’t stand it.

10. poopnstuff

I tell people that Ryan Gosling is my favorite actor. They say, “The guy from The Notebook?” I tell them I haven’t seen it. I cite movies like Blue Valentine, Lars and the Real Girl, and Half Nelson.

But, oh god, have I seen The Notebook. I’ve seen it real hard.


Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

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